International Red Hand Day...

The Red Hand Day on February 12 is an annual commemoration day created to draw attention to the fate of children who are forced to serve as soldiers in wars and armed conflicts. The aim of Red Hand Day is to call for action against this practice, and support for children who suffer from this severe form of child abuse.
Read more about Red Hand Day here...



what the fuck you lookin at?
Sounds interesting and sad at the same time. But what about the children in Iraq who are walking around with ak-47's and firing at US troops? How does everyone feel about that situation? Those children aren't being forced into that! Maybe they are by our government, but I don't think any of the Iraqis are forcing them to do this. Maybe they are I could be wrong, but either way, if it were me who was getting shot at by a child...I'd have no problem taking him/her out!
if it were me who was getting shot at by a child...I'd have no problem taking him/her out!
You've shot at or been shot at before?

Just curious - want to know how you reach such a glib conclusion, since obviously it such a simple matter to you.



what the fuck you lookin at?
I knew someone would attack me for that comment! No honestly I've never been shot at before. Never shot at a person before either. But if I were in a situation where killing someone who was trying to kill me was the only way to survive. I would hope such action would come natural. Self preservation you know?
I thought the point was kids involved in warfare period.

Like the kids clearing land mines for small change, this has got to stop.
I knew someone would attack me for that comment! No honestly I've never been shot at before. Never shot at a person before either. But if I were in a situation where killing someone who was trying to kill me was the only way to survive. I would hope such action would come natural. Self preservation you know?

Whether they believe it or not that is probably what most people would do. Desperation and fear of your own death can make people do things they would have never thought possible. Of course I know some people that have killed kids in war just out of self-defense alone and while not proud of it, they also don't feel any worse about it than any other person they had to kill and have no regrets either.
come on, let's get real. of course it's sad and fucked up, but no one really cares and no one is going to do anything to stop it. as long as you think that you can and should kill people to accomplish something, then people are going to do it and no matter who it is that's killing or being killed is just semantics.
Between a rock and a hard place. I'd think about it the rest of my life.
That's kinda what I was referring to...


I thought Red hand Day, was referring to, well you know, when you get a red hand from doing...:D