Interesting find, about 9/11

somehow i doubt there will ever be a time when a topic wont be able to be created concerning that fateful day

That's because alot of people don't believe what the government tells them. And they shouldn't.

I saw alot of different works about 9/11. And some things stood out like how the dude who owned the buildings or whatever made out with 7 billion out of a 15-20 mil he started with. [insurance on his towers which he pulled the plug on a few of them which didnt even need to be brought down.]
And another bit which showed who all benefited from 9/11. All the bad guys blamed for it on the east on a scale of 0/10 scored a 0, where as a few select US Leaders benefited GREATLY from 9/11
That's because alot of people don't believe what the government tells them. And they shouldn't.

I saw alot of different works about 9/11. And some things stood out like how the dude who owned the buildings or whatever made out with 7 billion out of a 15-20 mil he started with. [insurance on his towers which he pulled the plug on a few of them which didnt even need to be brought down.]
And another bit which showed who all benefited from 9/11. All the bad guys blamed for it on the east on a scale of 0/10 scored a 0, where as a few select US Leaders benefited GREATLY from 9/11

so....are you talking about an inside job? cause if you are, i dont want to get into that. batshit crazy talk and i dont get along
^ umm...The terrorist claimed responsibility more than once actually.
I'm not saying that they didn't do it. I'm just bringing up a well talked about curiosity of "Why".

In terms of the controversial CIA training bin laden had and the US training Al'Queda, it's possible that we don't know jack about what and why it really went down.

I'm not claiming anything or even saying I believe in all that crap. I don't know what to believe actually, it never directly affected "me" so in all honesty I dont really care. It's just interesting to read some of the things out there that's all.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Fun fact: I was born on September 11th.

Cool, huh? :D