Intellegent life?


what the fuck you lookin at?
Is there intellegent life elsewhere in the universe? I say yes there has to be...not in our solar system...maybe not even in our galaxy, but definatly somewhere in the vastness of space there absolutly HAS to be!!!
Hey Bro, i guess you are in the wrong forum...the girls in freeones are all from earth, i´m serious, of course there is a kind of intelligent life out there in the space, maybe even in the solar system, if they are intelligent, they know how to hide...mankind is not ready for "first contact" with E.T. or ALF or Mr. Spock, because we are still animals, we kill, destroy, get married, all for what? More power, more space, more money or girls? (ok, for girls, i would understand why...:rolleyes: )

They make the first contact (like in Star Trek 8: First Contact, I love this movie) when they think, we are ready for it...but until that time you can seek for them til you won´t find them...

and for everyone who says there aren´t any Aliens in our galaxy, take a look at it...our galaxy is very huge, with billions of stars and millions of systems...and if you have some knowledge about Exobiology, you know that on one of 78.000 plantets life exists like on earth...

so it is possible my friend...

Greetings from Germany:wave2: (and we haven´t seen any aliens, too:crying: )
Yeah, that´s what i said...Aliens are not science fiction, and the fact that we realize, that they are out there takes us a good step forward to the status "intelligent lifeform"...but the look of Aliens can be quiete difficult...if you think of dolphins and whales, they don´t look like a humanoid lifeform, with arms and legs...thanks to the evolution they have the perfect shape for their living space...and they are extremly intelligent, and one day they are as intelligent as we are, believe me...they ´ve got the same way of every species on earth...every lifeform can reach the status humanoid lifeform if it has enough time...

and that can be a problem...if you look back into the past...the humans only exist because of a meteorite, if that crash never happened, the dinosaurs would still live on earth, as the only masters of this way for a mammal like we had luck, but other planets with the same creatures maybe don´t have that luck...
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picard2893 said:
thanks to the evolution



"im just messin around":glugglug: :rofl:


Retired Moderator
I think there are more perspectives to regard this question - at least: 1st - religious, 2nd - sci-fi and maybe more I cannot remember now...

Concerning the religious point of view, the existence of the extra-terrestrial intelligent life follows logically from the existence of God, angels and perhaps also the afterlife (as for my opinion of the afterlife, see the thread )

Concerning the point of view of the sci-fi, I cannot give a definite answer: let me say 50/50...
oh, no...are you serious?

What means "intelligent lifeform"

That means, you know that there is no God out there, in the middle age the chirch created "god" to increase their power, they needed a kind of master ore leader who can´t be killed ore retired from someone, like the kings and queens, who were very powerful...and the fact, that some people still believe in god, is because they have a weak personality or soul or what ever, and they need a father figur or someone who leads them in their way of life...this is my can´t be serious believe in him or her...the bible was written for the dumb people in the middleage, and if you had read the book, you see a lot of things, which are now explored or expained, but in the middelages the things (what ever) were a creation of god...come on...we live in the 21th and knowledge is now our religion brings us closer to space (only to heaven:angels: )
And what now...are you angry enough to burn me, because of my blasphemic mind? Think of Salem...


Retired Moderator
picard2893 said:
oh, no...are you serious?

What means "intelligent lifeform"

That means, you know that there is no God out there, in the middle age the chirch created "god" to increase their power, they needed a kind of master ore leader who can´t be killed ore retired from someone, like the kings and queens, who were very powerful...and the fact, that some people still believe in god, is because they have a weak personality or soul or what ever, and they need a father figur or someone who leads them in their way of life...this is my can´t be serious believe in him or her...the bible was written for the dumb people in the middleage, and if you had read the book, you see a lot of things, which are now explored or expained, but in the middelages the things (what ever) were a creation of god...come on...we live in the 21th and knowledge is now our religion brings us closer to space (only to heaven:angels: )
And what now...are you angry enough to burn me, because of my blasphemic mind? Think of Salem...
Well, I respect your view, but on the other hand, I'd like to ask you to let the care of my personality (whether weak or strong) fully up to me. I haven't said anything offensive and am not about to burn you alive. We had better put an end to this discussion, though.
thanks for not to burn me...i was just a bit to emotional because i just hate discussions of God and religions...since the pope is a german like me, you hear nothing else but religion, religion, religion...believe in him, it is your choice, and i accept it, aslong as your religion doesn´t kill any humans anymore, like in the past, where more humans died because of their religion, than in world war 1 and 2 and in all natural disasters together...but anyway...let´s talk about girls...that´s why we are really her, not true?!

So how do you like the girl in my avatar?
Stay on topic. If you want to talk about girls, find another thread that has to do with girls and if you want to talk about your avatar, do it through PM.
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There may be, but I don't belive in UFO or anything like that. I took astrology and I remember my teachers saying that so far no planets/stars that can support life have been found in whatever lightyears he said. But in that distance, it would take over 250 years for them to get here traveling at the speed of light. So very doubtful.
picard2893 said:
oh, no...are you serious?

What means "intelligent lifeform"

That means, you know that there is no God out there, in the middle age the chirch created "god" to increase their power, they needed a kind of master ore leader who can´t be killed ore retired from someone, like the kings and queens, who were very powerful...and the fact, that some people still believe in god, is because they have a weak personality or soul or what ever, and they need a father figur or someone who leads them in their way of life...this is my can´t be serious believe in him or her...the bible was written for the dumb people in the middleage, and if you had read the book, you see a lot of things, which are now explored or expained--------------------------------Interesting thoughts.While it is very true the "Church" was power hungry in the middle ages and still tries to influence events today.The Church of the middle ages did not invent God,but used God.(or the concept of God,whatever You believe),because the texts of The Holy Bible were written long before the middle ages.The fact that organized religion has caused many wars before the middle ages;and continues to do so today is still a fact We are living with.Aren't We fighting Islamic Fundamentalism even Today?However,I believe the statement that The Bible was written for "dumb people" is the most innacurate statement I have read in a long time.It certainly does not make a person "dumb" to have a faith in a power greater than Man.Many Great leaders have had a faith in God;(in fact most World leaders have)-Tragically,even more have used "organized religion" as a basis to wage horrible wars and attacks on others of different beliefs.This is as old as History itself.Powerful people use religion to further their own means.However,the basic faith in a higher power does not make a person have a weak personality or a "weak soul",as You say---mmm--does a 21'st century scientific man such as You suggest have a soul?--I may have to look up soul in the damn dictionary,,that confused Me:) -I thought that was a faith based term.Well,I went off on the "Dumb people" comment which still covers about 90 percent of the World's population.I disagree.I do not think people with a faith are dumb.This thread started as intelligent life and other solar systems and went a different direction.I don't guess I helped keep it on track,sorry.I just wanted to reply to what I read.So,when it comes down to it,I am still waiting on some documents or transcriptions,or any communications from anywhere other than Earth.That will never happen.We are ALONE.We have to live together and save this planet.God help Us.-Sorry for showing My "Dumbness".--By the way,very interesting post You made.You are German.My Mother was born in Bremen.Enjoy the Football starting soon.:wave:
I think one of the biggest factors of whether there is life out there besides what we know of life now is if life is, in fact, is just a natural process that inevitably happens when certain chemicals are abundant in the right conditions. On the other hand if life for us was just a vary, incredibly, extremely, incalculably impossible freak accident of unthinkable proportions in a scientific sense then we might be vary alone indeed. Based on evidence so far I still don't know what direction of the two scenarios I would want to lean towards.
D-rock said:
I think one of the biggest factors of whether there is life out there besides what we know of life now is if life is, in fact, is just a natural process that inevitably happens when certain chemicals are abundant in the right conditions. On the other hand if life for us was just a vary, incredibly, extremely, incalculably impossible freak accident of unthinkable proportions in a scientific sense then we might be vary alone indeed. Based on evidence so far I still don't know what direction of the two scenarios I would want to lean towards.
I do not think of algae or bacteria as life....I guess I am old fashioned.Give Me a fine Dog or a reasonable Cat at least.Humans,Animals,and Plants(a different form of life) are life.I personally do not give a damn about anything below an orange tree or a tomato plant.That's just Me----My two cents..:2 cents: ..There Ya have it.