Initial porn exposure

What lead you into watching and appreciating porn?
As junior high school boys, "playboy centerfold" pictures were folded, hid and passed around. (We'd also sneak a smoke!)
Wo would ever think you could tell women through computers to stroke their cunts for your entertainment. Isn't technology wonderful!
What lead you into watching and appreciating porn?
As junior high school boys, "playboy centerfold" pictures were folded, hid and passed around. (We'd also sneak a smoke!)
Wo would ever think you could tell women through computers to stroke their cunts for your entertainment. Isn't technology wonderful!

Cum on! How can there be no responses to this question?

Will E Worm

No one here watches porn. But...they do watch National Geographic.

Does that count?
the 06- numbers (& pics that came with it) in a dutch magazine called the actueel (06- got changed into 0900- over the years, while 06- became the first numbers of mobile phone telephone numbers. 0900- numbers these days are comparable with 555- numbers), when I about 10-12 years old (My mother got VERY angry when I dialed those numbers... LOL).
I really cant remember.

My bro and I used to sneak in my Dad's storage room in the basement. Then he started locking the door after we accidently left the light on and the chair by the shelf where the playboy's were.

Then we got the internet. I think I used to go to the Netscape Navigator homepage and there was an "Adult" section.
Hmm. Well I started looking for ANYTHING exciting to wank it to in middle school. Going through high school I sort of drifted from porn, too busy I guess.

I began to appreciate porn late in college when I read a blog entry about enjoying pornography rather than just lusting and pleasuring yourself. I bought a membership to SapphicErotica and have since sampled a number of paysites and have purchased several DVDs. So there I am


Take a Hit, Spunker!
No one here watches porn. But...they do watch National Geographic.

Does that count?

Oh those naked women in National Geographic!

Guilty as charged!! But the down side to the women on those shows is their tits are all flat and flappy. You never see a tribal woman with implants or just nice, big juicy tits do you? NO!!!! It's blasphemy I'm telling you!!!
Before school I'd watch Denise Austin's excercise show. Then on weekends when I stayed up late playing SEGA I'd turn it off and the tv channel would most likely be left on cinemax.
The first real hardcore X-rated porn I watched was a Swedish Erotica tape that a friend's dad had. Mostly I remember the preview on the tape for another porn flick called "I like to Watch".

Yeah, old stuff.



Postal Paranoiac
Almost everybody started with PB. Then you look for harder stuff. Pretty soon, a hairy beaver isn't have to have a shaved one. Then it gets worse. Now you start looking at pictures of girls having intimate relations with other girls, guys, fruit...then the ball really starts rolling. You start throwing crazy parties and wearing animal costumes and hanging out in department store lingerie sections. Then, eventually, you hit rock bottom. And you end up being caught masturbating in a public restroom. Oh the shame!! :(:crying:
I assume it might have started with watching Cinemax on Friday nights.

My mother worked the night shift, and my father usually went to bed early. Sooo ... whats a young boy to do? Turn the volume down, and switch over to Cinemax of course!

Emanuel 5 and Desert Passion were awesome. :D
it was actually my mom's porn stash....kinda weird but it works i guess


Closed Account
Almost everybody started with PB. Then you look for harder stuff. Pretty soon, a hairy beaver isn't have to have a shaved one. Then it gets worse. Now you start looking at pictures of girls having intimate relations with other girls, guys, fruit...then the ball really starts rolling. You start throwing crazy parties and wearing animal costumes and hanging out in department store lingerie sections. Then, eventually, you hit rock bottom. And you end up being caught masturbating in a public restroom. Oh the shame!! :(:crying:

Makes me think of the Chinese woman in "Dude Where's My Car." And then.. and then....andthenandthenandthen..
Or was it "White Castle?"
No knocking. Just passing humour.


Closed Account
Some kid brought pics that now are retro porn to school. A Catholic private school no less. Yes know yuo nowere I can writs crecckt.
Anyway. The boobs on that babe. TO THIS DAY I still want to see those pics. Long, firm, pointing, heavy. Oh so crotch grabbing.

I bought art prints of nude women. My mom found them in the laundry one day where I quickly shoved them while I was in the bathroom. Then I let her blame them on her boyfriend.

Coward De Custard. She was pretty vicious though, so...

Then there was this mofo many years later. I was hitching. I get into a BMW. The fat effer tells me to look in his briefcase for cigs. And wots do I find. A porn mag. Not just any porn mag. Oh no. This one is glossy. Like a book. A clothed guy next to a nekkid woman lying down. I don't know what it was, 'cos to this day I still don't get the same feeling, but it was like my breath was snatched away. Something literally tore at me inside. It was so beautiful. And sexy. Liberating, in a now we got you kind of way. I wanted to look at it. All of it. Drink it in. But, being the shy polite little boy that I was I told him I couldn't find the cigs, pretended I saw nothing, then returned the case to the back seat. He said nothing.
OHFFURK$$)%&*@@!!*. I could have probably made a fortune helping to distribute illegal porn. (It was illegal where I was in those days). And I probably could have been in porn. I was so gripped by it. Meaning I coulda been rich by now. RICH! Anyway.
(And unhappy).

The way everyone hates male porn stars, though, I'm glad I wasn't. Actually, I'm really glad innocence won the day, or night actually, too. Or embarrasement. Or lack of courage. Or just plain whatever.
For me it was year eight, going on the internet. I used to look it up with a mate when I was over at his house and his Dad has gone out. I looked at porn on and off during high school, I never got a good chance and couldnt find any really good sites. It was till I left high school I got more savy and more chances to look it up. So on and so on.

Now I have a freeones account and I have just bought a membership to Brazzers. So things are looking up I guess. Well something is anyways. LOL.