

At some time, I was also obsessed by this girl....
I Know her nationality, I know how many pictures of her they fact I know all about her you need to know.
With a small effort maybe I will remember this...
I don't know why did she obsessed both of us.

At some time, I was also obsessed by this girl....
I Know her nationality, I know how many pictures of her they fact I know all about her you need to know.
With a small effort maybe I will remember this...
I don't know why did she obsessed both of us.

Her stunning beauty awes one enough to become enthralled with her. For the love all that good and decent in the universe, world peace, and boobs; please remember any and all details you can so that our quest may see a desired end.

...but don't thanks me, because after many years of masturbation, I am trying to stop all this waste of energy, time and life (it's very bad for our representation of Women, and in fact, it's more difficult to find a nice woman with this bad habit, and to finally be happy), and wil not give nude pictures of her.

But, brother Slyde Wayz...for many year, I regularly went to your topic, looking for her in some obsession... my quest ended...and I just want to share a bit of beauty, just beauty.

The sun is in her eyes,
Warm love for dirty man

The wind in her hairs,
Her swinsuit is like water.
And her body is full of live.

Who is she?
Is it a princess?
Is it a Goddess?

O Lord,
Why did you created such Beauty,
Where is she,
Where are Thou?

(melt into tears with sobs)

Happy new year