if two people are free of STD then they won't get any right? but I'm having unprotected sex with 2 ladies and you know the theory the sexual partners you have chances are higher you will get a disease. Angelina is in her period as we speak so we can't have anything right now I guess I have to take Mariana up for a ride this weekend then :thumbsup:
ok...AS LONG AS EVERYONE HAVING SEX IS CLEAN THEN THERE WILL BE NO STDS BEING TRANSMITTED REGARDLESS OF HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE INVOLVED...so if you're actually getting any don't worry about it man...yes you are right the more people you fuck the higher your chances of contracting an STD, but if everyone is known to be clean then no STDs are around to be transmitted...get it?
oh, and you do know you can actually still have sex with a girl while she is on her period right? it still works, feels a little different, but it is possible so long as shes willing and you don't mind a little blood on your cock...personally i'm not that into it, i'd rather just get a good bj but I've done it before and it still gets the job done...