Improvements in Porn

This might sound a bit insulting to some, and it doesn't apply to all porn stars, but seriously, they need to put a stop to the "typical" porn star look. I remember back in my younger days of looking at porn, when girls would have a youthful, natural look, and they would be super hot. These days, it seems like as soon as a girl enters the business, she absolutely needs to get a massive boob job, liposuction, a fake tan, excessive makeup, and so on.

Not to say that boob jobs are bad, as there were some girls in the past that looked alot better after a couple of surgeries (even if her boobs looked horribly fake).

I for one would love alternate camera angles, so when the couple is doing doggy style, I have the option of watching a girl's tits jiggle around instead of a super close-up of a guy's anus. It shouldn't be too hard if studios utilize two cameras, and release two different types of videos of the same scene.

Speaking of super close-ups, all I have to ask is... why? To all those pornographers out there, I love female parts as much as the next guy, but for crying out loud, we are not urologists or gynecologists. Some of us out there prefer a bit more of a zoom-out.

It's been said already, but it needs to be said here. The camera man needs to shut up already.

They need to find some way to make sex more natural. Scenes always look rediculously fake when the girl doesn't look interested (Britney Blew) or hyper and over-enthusiastic (Katie Morgan).

How about not ending every single damn scene (save for a few genres) with a cumshot to the girl's face? Seriously, how many girls actually enjoy getting hot man-juice all over their face all the time?

And now my my biggest peeve and improvement suggestion...

More foreplay... especially when the girl is receiving the pleasure. Nearly every video is broken down into the following formula (assuming the video is 10 minutes long).

2 Minutes: Guy and girl meeting each other.
15 Seconds: Clothes come off.
1 Minute: Playing with a girl's breasts and eating her out.
4 Minutes: Blowjob.
15 Seconds: Missionary position.
2 Minutes: Doggy style.
30 Seconds: Cumshot on the girl's face.

Girls want pleasure too. Sex can't be all about sucking a guy dry and pleasing a girl for a few seconds only. Perhaps pornographers should take some tips from the Japanese. Have a nice portion of a scene dedicated to turning a girl on would be more than welcome.
There's another improvement to porn I thought of, and I just noticed it when watching three different videos last night.

How about 20 minutes or so LESS of "the set up", meaning, wandering around and pretending to find a woman that you didn't pay to be in the video. Or sitting around talking about what you're going to be doing today, like it's a fucking home improvement show.

I don't mind a little 2 minute "Did someone order a pizza?" set up, but cripes! I watched one where it was like we were running errands for a while before they reached "Shoot porn scene" on the to-do list.

More guys, shouting "YEAH DUDE!!!! Hit that shit!!" I just love that, its such a turn on.

I think adding 10-15 more guys who have exactly the same kind of douchbag voice just standing around saying that again and again would make every porn scene perfect.
More guys, shouting "YEAH DUDE!!!! Hit that shit!!" I just love that, its such a turn on.

I think adding 10-15 more guys who have exactly the same kind of douchbag voice just standing around saying that again and again would make every porn scene perfect.

Yes, and get rid of anyone in an orgy or gangbang scene who just wanders in and stays clothed to watch the action. I've seen that a few times, where there's a massive orgy going on, and there's some idiot fully clothed standing around having a Zima and watching.

Get in the game, or get the fuck out.

back in the 70's and 80's the actor and actress seemed to 'connect' a little more than they do these days. I would like to see that sort of connection again.
A little more passion than just going through the motions.
Nothing, porn has everything it needs. As long as they suit different people's wants/needs (which means some girls with fake boobs, some without them, some girls with big boobs, other with small titties, some girls shaved, some with a jungle between their legs, etc), I wouldn't add anything.
girls choose the guy they work with.

less circus performance (anal, dp, gaping, sports sex) and more real sex.

no more fake boobies.

no tricking girls into doing what they don`t want to. some people can`t deal with doing porn. nobody should talk them into it.

longer scenes (maybe un-cut versions with all the material that had been shot as pay-for-download)

3D stereo: 3D will soon be widely available. with 2 small but good digital cameras mounted on a tripod (distance like human eyes) you can already shoot stereo video and the demand and affordable 3D screens will soon arrive.

no more voice over. that is a huge turn-off. i recently found a scene with Black Angelika in a car. the studio (Goldlight) re-recorded the sound in the studio. this is totally 1980ies
I think one of the biggest improvements would be more women directed porn.

We could make a product that both men and women would want to watch, together or seperately. We would add some more sensuality, especially to the girl/girl. The two minute lead up to the sex should be more beliveable too. I personally would like to see more instances of men helping women out of their clothes as well as women helping men.

Call me crazy but if I'm going to invest my time/money on porn I'd like to believe that I might be watching two 'real' people so where underwear/bras where appropriate, take off the platforms and men, take off the (black) socks!

I also seem to perfer, less camera shake from the obvious "other" person in the rooom. Don't we have the technology today to have our actors take center stage and have still and unseen cameras filming from 7 or 8 views, you can still edit later to get the best facial expression/angle what ever but then you could add technology allowing the viewer to choose from what angle to watch and to belive that all this is happening from a 'hidden' location.

Again you can call me crazy, but some of the best things I've seen recently have been obvious 'user video or amateur videos', light these better and you will have a huge seller on your hands.

This link might be to a professional but she seems real and I can't tell you how many times I've played with my pink bits watching or fantasizing about her. http://www.************/watch/287463/ex-girlfriend-masturbating-outside/

insert - "y O U porn" where the *'s are

Right? very real.....


Official Checked Star Member
I always found it funny when the girls comment on the size of the guy after she'd already done a bigger guy in a scene prior. Example being Lisa Sparxxx commenting on various caucasian men's penis sizes after already having done scenes with Blackzilla.

:rofl: I did not know I could only like one size cock and ignore the others. I was not under that impression. I have always said I like all cock of different sizes and color. :nanner:
More this or that or less this or that..does it really matter? It's porn for crissakes and everyone's tastes are unique and there's enough variety out there to accommodate everyone.
Speaking for myself I'm not crazy about the following:

1) Gangbangs: One hairy bare ass is enough for me.
2) Female on male annalingus.
3) Choking, slapping, spitting. A nice spanking is good provided it doesn't get out of hand.