Image Shack WTF??

Hi All!!!:wave2: Hopefully Sandee is back and the frog legs was great, thanks Doc!!!! :hatsoff: I didn't have to dirty my Auto-Mag, and that post of georges intrigues me, for I thought "Charlie" used a "Webley", :georges: jod0565 does it look right??? Anybody??? I'm using photobucket for now. ImageHigh would not work with .png files, I did something wrong there. Any way tell me if it looks O.K. or ???? BNF & Aces & Jacks Thanks For The Info!!! Best To All!!!
:partysml: Party Hearty!!!

Now If This Drated Thing WORKS!!! Dag Nabbit!!!
Renegade1Oh said:
I didn't have to dirty my Auto-Mag, and that post of georges intrigues me, for I thought "Charlie" used a "Webley", :georges:

In the first deathwish, Charlie used a colt positive hand ejector in calibre 32/38 then in the first part of deathwish3 he uses a colt in calibre 38.