I'm thinking about trading my 02 v6 mustang for an 09 vw golf gti

am i going to miss hitting the pedal and taking off, and being able to go 90 on the highway w/o even realizing cause the ride is nice and smooth, and is front wheel drive better or worse than rear wheel drive?

i dunno much about cars I just know im getting kinda tired of mine and really like those gti's


Closed Account
Having owned both Mustangs and VW's (Jettas), I like the Mustangs more, BUT, the VW offers a better ride, especially over the v6 Pony. Have you thought about a newer Mustang 6 shooter?
Go for it the VW is built way better than the mustang. I still own a 95 golf it has 300,000 and runs great it has only ever been in the shop once for a broken(cracked) distributer cap. parts can get a bit expensive since its foreign. well twice it had a crazy switch that the guy I bought it from put in it as an anti theft type deal. I didnt like the switch so I had it removed. My mom had an '01 mustang and she traded it for a truck because it was in the shop constantly, and the door handles broke, parts of the body were falling off. Go with the VW, I wouldnt trade mine for anything.


what the fuck you lookin at?
a V6 stang? Piece of shit, trade it!


why get a v6 stang? but I am not a Ford guy at all just give me a chevy truck
I would upgrade to a v8 Mustang if I were you... If you like your mustang your going to miss it once you get something else

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.

You can punch both cars in and compare. Just taking a quick glance, it looks like they're pretty close on horsepower, but the Mustang has (had - yours is a bit old) a little more torque.

Is FWD better than RWD? Well, it depends. In the snow or slick conditions, FWD is generally better. On the race track, RWD is generally better. The GTI doesn't have massive horsepower, so you may not notice it, but a lot of higher hp FWD cars suffer from "torque steer": you get the feeling that the car is trying to steer itself when you're on & off the gas (not a fun feeling going through turns at speed).

For the money you're looking at, let me ask, have you looked at the Subaru WRX? The new ones are uglier than Rosie O'Donnell in a bikini (IMO), but they're hella performers and very easy to upgrade and tune. Plus, with the WRX you get all-wheel-drive and about 65 more horsepower and 20-30 lb-ft more torque than the GTI. I think the new ones are about $1000 +/- more than the GTI. I give it to the GTI on style points, but the WRX beats the hell out of it performance wise.

Unless you're just sold on one particular car, punch several cars into that site and compare. That's the best way to do it before you go to get raped... I mean, before you go talk to a dealer. Hint: arrange your financing and do your shopping online. I only set foot in dealerships these days to pick up the car and sign the final papers.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I would upgrade to a v8 Mustang if I were you... If you like your mustang your going to miss it once you get something else

Yeah... a Cobra maybe? ;)

Nice avie, by the way. :thumbsup:


Closed Account
I would upgrade to a v8 Mustang if I were you... If you like your mustang your going to miss it once you get something else

Ain't that the whole fucking truth. :crying: I was just drooling on a 2010 GT convertible about 30 minutes ago. Fucking thing was calling to me. I must hold off one more year.....:rolleyes:
Excellent choice have driven the VW golf GTi for a while, and cant fault it one tad excellent build quality, performance although not mind blowing compared to similar hot hatches is still none the less excellent. Excellent cabin/boot space, economical (for what it is). The only alternative I would consider is the Audi A3 (which I currently own). If performance is not your overall aim then have you considered the diesel models (the fuel efficiency is excellent) and you probably wont be lacking hugely in the performance stakes either.