There is a difference between somebody having deeply held convictions who is very religious and spiritual while going about life normally, letting normal everyday conduct show what type of person one is, and what character they have and somebody who's that way but feels the need to practically parade his religious nature in front of everybody like it's for show and he has something to prove.
As far as a person goes Tebow is probably a very good human being, but still it really irritates me when somebody parades their religion around like that. It feels a lot more for public consumption and show than anything else. I consider myself a pretty spiritual and religious person and I don't feel I have to prove anything about it to other people. I will let my good conduct speak for me, and the one entity that is important for him to know my convictions and what's in my heart is omniscient and already aware of them and doesn't need an act in my view.
I recall with stark clarity all those who swore up and down that Tebow would NEVER play in the NFL. They all had the same mumbo-jumbo reasons why his college style of football CANNOT translate to the NFL. In fact, I may have brought it up on here, and gotten concrete replies as to how it is never going to happen. I mean, seriously, Tim Tebow is NEVER going to play in the NFL. Period. Seriously, just forget about it. It can't happen.
I always thought somebody would take a chance on him, and he would get to play eventually somewhare just to get a shot, but to be fair to the people that said that, McDaniels and all the people in Denver when he was chosen were pretty horrid in talent evaluation, and Tebow rightfully shouldn't be playing now. That says more about the stupidity of a team's mismanagement than those Tebow doubters being very wrong.