I'm sick of Mac's bullshit


what the fuck you lookin at?
:dunno: whatever. Both companies are all about money! They're both snotty and stuck up. Mac is a holier than thou attitude and Microsoft has a monopoly on the entire computer world. Take your pick?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
whatevah tuffguy, just go vote.

Yeah, I'm sooooo tough. Look at me, bringing up the fact that you're posting election crap in a thread about Macintosh computers. Woo, everybody should watch out...tough guy here, tough guy here!!! :fight:

Go spam your voting :bs: somewhere else.
That's all well and good, but in the barrage of pointless ads, they haven't once identified any of Vista's alleged problems, nor have they told us a single cool thing that Macs do that PC users can't. The core of their strategy is "if you use a PC you're a nerdy looking guy in a suit, if you use a mac you dress casually and have your hands in your pockets." That's really appealing to intelligence of your audience.

Sorry Mr. Gates or are you Mr. Ballmer? If the shoe fits, wear it.

On another point, I haven't seen such snootiness and vitriol about a subject since the "what is your favorite beer" threads.