I'm back and nearly bald! I'm your local lesbo teen;)


Official Checked Star Member
I cut my hair! I tend to cut my hair when I am facing a shitty situation, big change or um when having a particularly massive panic attack. I cut it myself, I have never fucked it up:)



Hmmm, I wonder if you guys have been wondering where I am. Well… I have had a hell of a time recently. On my birthday Feb 17th I found out that the house my apt was in was being foreclosed and that my landlord would contact me when she found out who the next owner was. Well then the electricity went out and water was turned off. I am still trying to find a new place. I don’t wanna bore you with this but if you are interested you can go to the the chip-in I started for it and read what happened. If you donate that’s cool but I’m not gonna hold a gun to you head:)


Also I wanted to tell you I changed the way I post pics on my site so it’s like they are able to be viewed in the highest quality possible. Annnnnnd the new design for my site is almost done this is the preview:


It’s gonna have a blue back ground though which is pretty neat. It should be up completely like in a few days!


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
If you think you are special enough to serve me, go ahead and become a member cause you know your teeny weeny prick can’t get enough of my little bratty ass!

Yeah, that makes me want to join your website. :rolleyes:
Um... O... K... :confused: :wtf:

Can you guys send me some money instead? I'm currently driving uninsured because I don't have money to pay for insurance. :helpme:


Official Checked Star Member
Um... O... K... :confused: :wtf:

Can you guys send me some money instead? I'm currently driving uninsured because I don't have money to pay for insurance. :helpme:

That sucks dude. I wish you luck with that. I actually haven't driven in years cause I don't want to deal with all of that crap.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Um... O... K... :confused: :wtf:

Can you guys send me some money instead? I'm currently driving uninsured because I don't have money to pay for insurance. :helpme:

Shit son, you should walk. Get in really good shape, and then beat us all up and take our money. :thumbsup:

Yeah, that makes me want to join your website. :rolleyes:

Makes me wants to join. I likez ze abuse. :nanner:
Shit son, you should walk. Get in really good shape, and then beat us all up and take our money. :thumbsup:

Hey! I resemble that remark! Contrary to popular belief, round is a shape! :yesyes:


is this now an advertising board for random cam sluts?
Actually, it's a board to meet, greet, and have fun with, and discuss, the women in the industry.
While you... are a follicley-challenged wart on the ass of the Universe, and are completely unneccessary to the board.

What part of "respect the women" do you not get?

actually, it's a board to meet, greet, and have fun with, and discuss, the women in the industry.
While you... Are a follically-challenged wart on the ass of the universe, and are completely unneccessary to the board.

What part of "respect the women" do you not get?

