either way, its not as bad as calling them black girls. they just dont want the stigma/label
That's one way to look at it as I'm sure they just see themselves as latino like other latinos and are tired of not being viewed as such..or misidentified or view it as a demonstrable difference. Just a viewpoint of their's since clearly there are latinos who are purely caucasian and some who are purely black.
There was a guy I knew in college who was as white as the day was long...until you saw a picture of his (maternal) mother who was a black as Oprah and he made the point of telling you he wasn't. He would vehemently express it...and I can see why as some of the people I knew were probably not as 'racially sensitive' when just around whites. Some black guys knowing this would joke around with him along the lines of being white and it would nag him pretty bad...more than a joke should. When I think about it, I suppose his strong reaction is probably from a lifetime in his view of being misidentified.:dunno:
Some (if not most) mulattoes call themselves black although they are clearly mixed with white...
Just food for thought.