Illuminatii, chemtrails, lizardmen, conspiracy theories, nanotechnology and other horseshit.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Conspiracy theories, on their face, are false.... The burden of proof is incumbent upon whoever makes the claim.

I will make refute and repeat ANY of the claims here about shit about pizzagate and those innocent children and gay people in Florida.

Meester, like so many other, gets their information from people that have opinions. Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one.

Produce documents and communications backing up the claims. Those children in Sandy Hook have been documented as dead. Shit heads that deny this haven't found ANY of them turning up in another school or claimed on their parents income taxes.

As X says, shit or get off the pot.

Will E Worm

Occam never said that the simplest explanation of something is always the best, he said, among other way of wording it, "Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity" (Non sunt multiplicanda entia sine necessitate). Is that always true? Sure. Why make things up in explaining something?

This is just one of those things in which the misquote is more well known than the actual quote.

Occam's Razor

Occam's Razor is not always correct. Sometimes theories are complicated.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
A, X, and the cupcake are along with me. I'm still looking for some kind of smoking gun documentation of communications between people.

And this GO FUND ME scams... well... anyone can post something to grab a few bucks. Meester people can easily fall for this and throw 5 or 10 bucks to add up. This does not qualify as proof of a conspiracy. You want to connect the dots? Start getting some documentation to back up those charges.

You know what? I'm going to start me some GO FUND ME pages. Grab me a few pictures of people in hospitals and write a sob story. Say it's me. Supplemental income. Anyone got $100?


Hiliary 2020
I don't really look at opinions very much.
Others opinions don't really form my opinions.
When I research all these phony fake shows where fake people get shot with fake bullets and get fake injuries and have fake gofundme pages where they get pleny of real money I don't put opinions on top of my list. I'm not an infowars type at all.

But some people get thier info from THE NEWS.
Well, the problem with the news is they lie.
The problem with the news is they have an agenda, many agendas.
The news and the GOV. If you havent figured out they work together by now I doubt you ever will.
Am I crazy for thinking this? A conspiracy nut?
( Fake News, remember you heard it here first folks (Folks, stupid word, rhymes with Yolks) ).

Las Vegas for example. Seems like a lot were killed and hurt (although I have doubts about those numbers, especially the injured).
So we were given the name and thats about it.
A name and a bad photo.
For many people thats enough.
But if thats the only proof we ask of what really happened , well then we are kinda of making it easy for them I think.


Hiliary 2020
A, X, and the cupcake are along with me. I'm still looking for some kind of smoking gun documentation of communications between people.

And this GO FUND ME scams... well... anyone can post something to grab a few bucks. Meester people can easily fall for this and throw 5 or 10 bucks to add up. This does not qualify as proof of a conspiracy. You want to connect the dots? Start getting some documentation to back up those charges.

You know what? I'm going to start me some GO FUND ME pages. Grab me a few pictures of people in hospitals and write a sob story. Say it's me. Supplemental income. Anyone got $100?

I could make a list of a hundred people with links to their gofundme pages easily.
But we know they are there and they exist.

Almost all the Sandy Hook parents , none of whom sued anybody btw after their children were murdered at school, still have donation pages.

My point was not that these people like the fitness model from Canada are scamming people.
My point was that the MSM who supposedly employ journalists and who have big budgets don't look into these people before they put them on the news?
In Real Life of course they would.
The fact that they don't should prove that they are in on the fraud if not the creators of it in the first place.

Speaking of this.
Here is one of your Victims of The Pulse
Norman Cassiano.
Norman was shot in the back and the buttocks numerous times that night. 4 times.
He laid on the bathroom floor for several hours bleeding before being carried out on a stretcher and put directly in an ambulance.
He was up and about the very next day, released from the hospital and doing interviews all week.
His gofundme page , and his mothers, are gone now but he made well over 6 figures.

Here is Norman.
Being interviewed while leaving Hospital on Monday morning

Walking back towards the Pulse with A COP and his red underwear
from about 500 down the road, as were many victims were filmed for the msm in the same exact spot.
(Maybe the ambulances were low on gas, easier to have the victims walk to them).
e74be066b504991d9b0f6a706700ff25_1465760510897_401  12634_ver1.0_640_480.jpg

On CNN with CIA Vanderbuilt

And now in his own yootoob channel
Stop by, give him a thumbs up, he needs it

Oh and lets not forget Omars Dad, front and center at a Hiliary speach about a week after his son shot over a hundred people and was killed by Police

And with a Banner!


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Oh, now you present fake bullets. How many? Present 25 of what you claim as fake bullets. You've presented videos of shots being fired in several directions, scores being heard surrounding the concert area. What the fuck is a fake bullet? Give a description.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
None of the parents from Sandy Hook sued. That's your smoking gun? Well let me tell you something honey. Personal family experience says that tragedy doesn't always end up in a court room. I'm talking about the loss of a house and a child in 2 separate incidences. Ask me why I don't post a Youtube of that 9yo boy's memorial at his school. It is shameful and heartless to accuse victims of tragedies of fraud.

I ask again, where are all of those children from Sandy Hook now? The death certificates are public record. Social security numbers you can follow. You say you do your homework on such things. Turn up a surviving death of some of those kids. You are the sheep. You are the one with shit easily funneled from some crackpot posting a Youtube.

And back to Pulse, back up your claim that NOONE was hurt on that night. NOONE was treated for injuries at various hospitals, You (wait a minute,... your Youtube people) make that claim. You are the sheep. You is the someone that is looking for something that is real. And some fucking guys with a Youtubes are your messiahs? We view those videos that you post. Those people are fucking empty suits. Look at a video or picture and don't know what to think. Can't form an opinion. Asks a bunch of stupid fucking questions.

Conspiracy theorists ask all of the questions but deliver no answers. F-you all.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
My point was not that these people like the fitness model from Canada are scamming people. My point was that the MSM who supposedly employ journalists and who have big budgets don't look into these people before they put them on the news? In Real Life of course they would. The fact that they don't should prove that they are in on the fraud if not the creators of it in the first place.

Definitive proof that meester is perfectly deluded:



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I would have sued.

But, my children would not be in a public school.

In Germany, they would be.

But that is because those krayzee parents who try to wreck their kids in homeschool get monitored closely, and in most cases, these kids end up in foster care, going back to school, having a chance in life again

Will E Worm

In Germany, they would be.

But that is because those krayzee parents who try to wreck their kids in homeschool get monitored closely, and in most cases, these kids end up in foster care, going back to school, having a Chance in life again

Germans need to fight for their freedoms.

No one has the right to tell parents how to raise their own children.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Sorry that happened bob.
That's a terrible thing. I mean that.

Bull shit. You don't know me from any of those others affected by disasters. Heartless shit you post from your Youtube messiahs. I don't blame you for your beliefs. It's where you get them from that I detest.


Hiliary 2020
Bull shit. You don't know me from any of those others affected by disasters. Heartless shit you post from your Youtube messiahs. I don't blame you for your beliefs. It's where you get them from that I detest.

Bob, most of what I post from yootoob is actual MSM material.
Its the stuff they are telling us. It's their own material.
And you think I am heartless?
Who here is more critical of the mass murder our military does throughout the world?
Me. People don't want to admit it but its true.
To me they are human beings. Civilians. Libya was a genocide man. Yemen right now.
A lot of death and misery all over that part of the world caused by our actions and weapons , talking millions of people with a good amount of them children.
Or parents of children.
So dont tell me I dont care about lives please.

I think differently I guess.
To me its offensive that a Human Adult would fake the death of a child or family member to make money.
To me that is disgusting.
And should be especially offensive to people who have actually lost children or family members.
And thats where we part because you think they are telling the truth and I have no doubt they are lying.
And thats why we will never agree.


Hiliary 2020
In Germany, they would be.

But that is because those krayzee parents who try to wreck their kids in homeschool get monitored closely, and in most cases, these kids end up in foster care, going back to school, having a chance in life again

Hey Sup whats up?

Thats the kind of mentality that got your country in trouble back in the 1930's, or so they tell us.
" You will all think the same and any intolerance will not be tolerated".

If a parent decides that they don't want their child in public school then that should be their right and they should be able to do so without the GOV crashing down or them and/or literally taking away the children and destroying their family.
That is a horrible thing.

Some might argue that by taking them out of public school would be "giving them a chance at life".


Hiliary 2020

Oh and I was actually threatened by a nurse for not allowing them to stick a needle in my son at 14 years old until I researched what the shot was.
Gonna report me to the GOV for being a concerned parent. Is that what its come to? Yes it has.
Of course they make a few hundred bucks a pop to jab our children full of who knows what.

A few months back they suddenly wanted me to sign permission to jab my child with whatever they want when I arrived at the appointment.
I refused and said that I will cross that bridge after we are seen by a Doctor.

After I said that 2 women in the waiting room told that woman they feel the same as I do and they changed their minds.

But you say they are safe so now I trust them. How do you know this?
Nevermind I'm sure you know.