Illegal tiger trade 'killing 100 big cats each year'

The illegal trade in tiger parts has led to more than 1,000 wild tigers being killed over the past decade, a report suggests.

Traffic International, a wildlife trade monitoring network, found that skins, bones and claws were among the most common items seized by officials.

The trade continues unabated despite efforts to protect the cats, it warns.

Over the past century, tiger numbers have fallen from about 100,000 individuals to just an estimated 3,500


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
And I point my finger at magicians for this!


Postal Paranoiac
Same shit we had/have with gorillas. The scary part is that a lot of these animals aren't just hunted for their various parts, but by paid hunters working for laboratories and preserved or zoos.
The illegal trade in tiger parts has led to more than 1,000 wild tigers being killed over the past decade, a report suggests.

Traffic International, a wildlife trade monitoring network, found that skins, bones and claws were among the most common items seized by officials.

The trade continues unabated despite efforts to protect the cats, it warns.

Over the past century, tiger numbers have fallen from about 100,000 individuals to just an estimated 3,500

Yet another example of someone using only some of the facts to make a wild and utterly untrue cliam.

There may indeed be only 3,500 tigers, in the wild. But when zoos and private owenrs are added in there are more then 80,000 tigers skulking around various parts of the world. Hell, one lady in New York had over 500 of the fucking things on her estate.
more then 80,000 tigers

feel free to post your lnik or is that link


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Yet another example of someone using only some of the facts to make a wild and utterly untrue cliam.

There may indeed be only 3,500 tigers, in the wild. But when zoos and private owenrs are added in there are more then 80,000 tigers skulking around various parts of the world. Hell, one lady in New York had over 500 of the fucking things on her estate.
Lolwot? Not that I'm skeptical, but please do provide proof. :rolleyes:

I hope the animal trade syndicate isn't paying you as their spokesman.
Yet another example of someone using only some of the facts to make a wild and utterly untrue cliam.

There may indeed be only 3,500 tigers, in the wild. But when zoos and private owenrs are added in there are more then 80,000 tigers skulking around various parts of the world. Hell, one lady in New York had over 500 of the fucking things on her estate.

And thats a good thing?