If Your Cock Could Talk?

I'm in CHARGE, Dammit!!
I'll take you, you, you aaaaannnd you! Sorry to you girls who I didn't choose, you must understand, I'm a little tired.
"Holy shit, you beat me more than the Cops beat innocent people"

Mine would probably be like a kid with ADD...

"Let's go in here!"

"Ooh! Let's go in here!"

"Hey, let's go in here!"


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
It would probably get a restraining order, and accuse me of inappropriate contact. ;)


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
"Please sir, can I have some more?"
~Oliver. The penis.

"These are my friends.. see how they glisten.. you are warm in my hand.. my lucky, lucky friend.. soon you will drip precious (pearls)..."
~Sweeney Todd