Iraq did not attacked the USA.
But it is ok for a dictator to send $25,000 to the families of suicide bombers that attack another country? It was ok use WMD on the population of his own country? It was ok to have mass graves filled with political opposition? It is ok to defy the UN at least 17 times?
If you had a neighbor or someone that lived in your town that acted like this, he would be long gone. Sounds a little hypocritical to me.
It was only a matter of time before the suicide bombers were coming to America. Funny thing, the people that complain about the offensive moves against terrorism will be the first to sing the blues and condemn the government for not taking preventive measures prior to the attacks.
Believe Clinton, because she will say what you want to hear. Just like her husband. Not necessary the truth, but you will walk away feeling good, even though she lied to you. Just like Billy boy.("I did not have sexual relations with that woman").
If you think that Bush really lied as opposed to faulty intelligence, you are going to have a rude awakening with Hilliary. The Clintons are the master of spin and lies. I mean that as a compliment.
Sorry, I won't be around for any rebuttal, at least not for a while.