I would pass a bunch of laws that actually help people. I'd outlaw SUV driving except on the weekends. I'd mandate that car companies sell only 4 cyl, lightweight cars to consumers as their "Primary Vehicle" and they can sell other cars/trucks to consumers as their "Secondary Vehicle." Secondary vehicles can only be driven on the weekend.
I'd institute a national Public Transportation Fee -- $50 a year--to be allocated for Subway systems in the Top 100 Cities in this nation. Cities that already have Public Trans can use funds for maintenance.
I'd cut the Defense Dept Budget by 40% and fund the FDA and Education for every child in the U.S. from Preschool through 4 years of college. The college funds get allocated to students as long as they agree to serve the country for their first 2 years upon graduation.
I'd close atleast 70 bases we have across the Globe. I'd use the monies to fund Military Family Benefits (vacations to see stationed troops, etc)
I'd cut Corporate Tax rate to 25% but I would close every offshore loophole I could find.
I'd outlaw Lobbying politicians. I'd dismantle 527 organizations. The only election money I'd allow would be private citizen donations of MAX $100. I'd give free television time and newspaper access to politicians and if they "lie" or "make a personal attack" in an advertisment, I'd boot them from being elected. Only issues are allowed.
I'd immediately mandate Single-payer, Univ Health for All, modeled on the French/Canadian/English system.
I'd legalize Marijuana and allow Corporations to manufacture and sell it under gov't mandated regulations. I'd treat it as Alcohol Consumption in criminal law. DUIs, No open smoking in the street etc.
I would take 15% of Big Carbon Company profits (Big Oil, Big Coal, Big Electricity) and create a NATIONAL ALTERNATIVE ENERGY COMMISSION where we would SERIOUSLY DEVELOP next gen reusable fuels.
I would end the Iraq Occupation immediately.
I would offer amnesty to all undocumented workers in this country but I would halt all legal immigration for 10 years.
I would penalize companies for offshoring and outsourcing manufacturing jobs.
I would tear up NAFTA and suspend trade with China unless human rights are written into the trade contract.
I would normalize relations with Cuba immediately.
I would make all elections--Primaries or National--happen on the same day at the same time. No single state should have more importance than another.
I can get all of this done in 24 hours.
Press the red ignition button of nukes! Yeah!!!
Oh crap, Turkey doesn't have nukes.
I would ....
+Stop EU negotiations.
+Leave NATO.
+Enter Shanghai Economic Union.
+Be an ally of Russian Federation.
+Screw Iran's nuke program.
+Withdraw all privatisations.
=Make Totally Evil Country for the USA!