If you were only allowed to....

If you only allowed to donate to one Charity for the rest of your life.Which one would it be and why ?

Mine NSPCC a childrens Charity here in the UK.

This for a number of reasons but mainly because there are the future.Also this Charity helps to save and protects children from child abuse,neglect and even homeless children.There they purely for children from all walks of life and does some great work.
Right now a couple bucks a month to Army Emergency Relief (helping the Army take care of its own) and then donating a little bit more to the Veterns of Foreign Wars cause I've seen them help a lot of families that have lost someone in Iraq/Afghanistan and are in need.

So if I had to choose one I'd either say VFW or the Red Cross. Red Cross....well they help everyone, blood, food, medicine, they help military, they help Americans, they help people anywhere and everywhere.
My charity would be CANTEEN. This organisation is dedicated to working with the families of children who are inflicted with Cancer....

They organise Camps and day trips for the Children and have a support network for the Parents and Sibblings

A good portion of the money donated goes into Reserch as well...
I would have to donate to Alzheimer's Disease research. I have seen firsthand what this disease can do and hope that a cure could be found.


Retired Mod
The Red Cross. Since I'm not filthy rich, there are times when I can't donate any money to anyone. You can always give blood and know that your donation will be used for what it was intended, to help save lives.

Plus the cookies and juice they give you are awesome.
i would give it all to children foundation.
because i can't stand looking at sick children because a kid should :( not feel sick but :) happy & in good health:thumbsup:


It's good to be the king...
MS research (personal reasons)
I don't trust any charities. It I hade the money to give I would be much more comfortable going up to the people in need and personally handing them the check. That way I don't have to worry about any of it getting skimmed off for administration cost, or some of the other more nefarious things that might happen, and I would be more assured that it would be used how I wanted it to be.
For me it's a toss-up between the Red Cross and the Cancer Society. As has been mentioned, there are administrative costs involved in any charity, but these two charities are like at 80% or better actual recipient ratio...

It's a tough choice, and I'm glad I don't have to actually make it. There are very many good charitable orgs. out there.

Another point to ponder is not charities, but non-profit orgs. like Greenpeace, the ACLU (I'm a former boardmember & paralegal to the national general counsel :thumbsup: - I'll surely get flamed for this affiliation lmao) HIV/AIDS groups, certain PACs, and orgs. like Planned Parenthood, etc... 501(c)(3) organizations...

How's that for stirring up some thoughts?! :nanner: :eek: :thumbsup:
Nightfly said:
For me it's a toss-up between the Red Cross and the Cancer Society.

Not to stir anything up but the Red Cross would be the absolute last charity I would donate anything to. Not only do they have people (or at least hade people) that make hundreds of thousands of dollars that run it, but also whenever I hear something bad that a charity does half the time it is the Red Cross doing it.
I would have to say the Red Cross, for many of the same reasons given here. But, I would also say the Salvation Army who does so much of their work without fanfare or notice...
wlfman812 said:
Salvation Army who does so much of their work without fanfare or notice...
Ditto, they never get the exposure.
robertodiaz123 said:
It will be UNICEF,

Sorry, and this isn't against you Roberto in the slightest...but I could never give a dime to UNICEF or any other charity that is run by/associated with the UN...

:2 cents:


It's good to be the king...
If not for my original choice - I would go for the Royal British Legion...
I always donate between late October/ November, but I do feel ashamed that the only time we and our media appear to remember our service vets is on or around Rememberance Sunday, followed by silence for the rest of the year.
Oh, and a couple of minutes of silence at 11am on November 11th is not enough. We should make that day a public holiday again..

Sorry - rant over.....:crash: