If you were a Furry...

What kind would you be? And what anthropomorphic vixen would you you want to "yiff" with???

I'd be a wise owl and I would get it on with a pretty squirrel lady.

I would be an evolve member of the primate family, and I would do it with another member of the evolved primate family.
Well, as the classy type of Furvert, I'm sure I would dress myself as a mighty dragon and call myself "Puff" and I would wish for my lady friend to be dressed as a sweet widdle wabbit, maybe even a Roger Rabbit costume; if they're in stock...
sssccchhhh i went with......................................
sssccchhhh i went with......................................

Mmm, Peter ... dressed as a rabbit .... Peter Rabbit!!! :nanner:

Well it has to happen now. Peter, get your boney ass over here NOW!
The alien from "Aliens", and please God someone find me that costume, a strap-on and a video-camera.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Was once a complete paddington bear costume for halloween. Women were all over me. Maybe it was the whole lifesize teddy bear thing. But it was really fun and very enjoyable.
Honestly, is this a competition really?

I'd not only be a ligar, I'd be nailing ligars too.



Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit