If You Were A Cop For A Day...


For the EMPEROR!!
Play with the siren and get a discount from MacDonalds


...currently wanking!
I would settle some old scores :anonymous
I would ride the horse all around town looking for do gooders to beat with my billy club.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
The first thing I'd do is find a side-kick. All the cool lawmen had side-kicks: Matt Dillion had Festus, the Lone Ranger had Tonto, Andy had Barney, McGarret had Dano... Yogi Bear had BooBoo.

Yep, Step 1: get a side-kick. Definitely.
If I were a Copt for a day, I'd walk through the streets of Alexandria with my 5 ft. machete and behead every Muslim I can get my hands on.

What? "Cop"? Sorry! Carry on!
i'd just grab some cool shit from the evidence locker

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Either arrest a bunch of minorities under false pretenses or shoot homeless people.

Maybe both.
I'd get myself a Jati-Matic submachine gun from Finland, equip it with a laser sight, get myself a Colt Officer's model in .45 ACP, with a cobra head stamped on the grips, get myself some nice mirrorred sunglasses, a stylish match instead of a cigarrette to put in my mouth because you never know when you'll need to light it to burn some scumbag to a crisp, a nice black trenchcoat to hide my hardware, and go around telling punks how they're the disease and I'm the cure before hanging them from a giant hook that will carry them screaming into some giant oven. Cops can do that, right?


I'd be the stuffiest, cockiest bastard of a traffic cop you ever saw.

I'd troll the highway in an unmarked car, pull every rotten son of a bitch over and throw the book at them! :mad:


i don't want to be cop for a day... i want to be attorney general.
i want to have a calm press conference showing a handful of the 'stop, police!' calls you see on every Cops or other real tv show followed by an idiot running and putting other lives at risk.

i will then calmly explain that because it represents a threat to innocent civilians and officers, as well as perpetrators, and is at best a tacit admission you were doing something wrong, 'i was scared' will no longer be an acceptable of forgiveable explanation for running. When an officer has identified himself or herself, and has video footage documenting such, ANY suspect who chooses to run forgoes any right to file suit for any physical or mental damage they incur in being aprehended and in the immediate period after aprehension, up until after said perpetrator has been entered into the system. AND officers are legally protected in using anything in their power to effect said capture.

Of course, the 'what if they are not really police' question will be shouted by the media puppets... So anyone masquerading as a law enforcement officer to detain a civilian is by definition demonstrating pre-meditation, and will be charged as such, through any subsequent or associated crime committed.

Is that too extreme? sorry, but i do not think so. if the idiots who choose to break the law see that running is no longer accepted, and will instead earn them a more... aggressive response that they cannot turn into an undeserved payday, i suspect the number of suspects who choose to flee will plummet.



Closed Account
Shut down the movie theatre and have them screen a movie for me or just drive somewhere deserted and start shooting stuff.