If You Were 18 Again?.........

I had borderline professional golf talent but was too lazy and distracted to push myself. Instead I ended up actually having to work for a living :ban:

I'd have fucked more. Several opportunities were passed because at and around that age I wanted a girlfriend, not just casual sex. Talk about a dumbass ....

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I'd rejoin the Marine Corps and fcuk some shit up somewhere. Maybe I'd focus a little more on my edumacation.
I'm shocked by the number of people that said they wold go into the military. Dying a meaningless death because the dumbass leaders of your country make some stupid decision you have no control over to send you off in a situation that you shouldn't be in and that would have made no difference in the safety of you or your country otherwise doesn't seem like a good thing...but that's just me.
Nothing would be different, except I'd be drinking better beers earlier on.
Nothing would be different, except I'd be drinking better beers earlier on.

it is amazing how much you think you know about drinking at a young age....then you go out with some guys a few years older than you, and you realise you know nothing


Closed Account
Wow! if i knew then what i know now!

So many things would be different but then!?! Would I be better off or worse off, at the age I am now??????????????????????????????

If I were to go back I'd choose the age/exact moment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And 18 ain't it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Well, when I was 18 I spent a couple months in the asylum.

If I was 18 again... Well let's just say I wouldn't have missed the vein.




I wish I had gotten into porn at 18 or anytime really.
I'm still young though, plenty of time to disappoint my parents and have sex for money on camera.


The question is, if you were given the opportunity today to know precisely what where and when significant events in your life would arise, would you accept? Choose wisely. :)
The question is, if you were given the opportunity today to know precisely what where and when significant events in your life would arise, would you accept? Choose wisely. :)

No. I prefer to go through life not knowing what's going to happen. I enjoy the mysteries and surprises in life, even though not all of them are what you want.


Closed Account
No but I`d like to have know how to pull a particularly fit girl I used to work with and who still features in some of my fantasies.