If you made a porn site


Official Checked Star Member
What would it look like? Or, rather, what would you like to see as far as the design of a porn site itself? What do you like about the design of the sites that you're already into?

I'm redesigning/relaunching my site and there are lots of things that I know suck about my site that I'd like to change, but few things that I know I'd like to see for sure. So I seek your advice, my fellow porn connoisseurs!

Like, I like Burning Angel because they show the three latest updates on the top of the front page. I dislike Club Jenna because it looks too much like a myspace page. I like Justine Joli's site because of the ease of use of the toolbar and that sexy video she has on every page. I dislike Kayden Kross' site because unless I join I have no idea what the inside of her site looks like. Maybe it's tough to navigate! I don't know, I can only see the previews.

What do you guys think? Any sites that you're in love with? Any sections of sites that you're really into and would like to see on other sites?
I would make it with a preview section and give away everything. Since I would be making a lot of money on the other side. It wouldn't matter much.
If I was trying to make money out of it. I would find a professional pay them to fix the site to where nonone can get in without permission. Then I would ask them all the questions I would need. and Tell them what I would like. But besides that, you probably have it all figured out/.
What would it look like? Or, rather, what would you like to see as far as the design of a porn site itself? What do you like about the design of the sites that you're already into?

I'm redesigning/relaunching my site and there are lots of things that I know suck about my site that I'd like to change, but few things that I know I'd like to see for sure. So I seek your advice, my fellow porn connoisseurs!

Like, I like Burning Angel because they show the three latest updates on the top of the front page. I dislike Club Jenna because it looks too much like a myspace page. I like Justine Joli's site because of the ease of use of the toolbar and that sexy video she has on every page. I dislike Kayden Kross' site because unless I join I have no idea what the inside of her site looks like. Maybe it's tough to navigate! I don't know, I can only see the previews.

What do you guys think? Any sites that you're in love with? Any sections of sites that you're really into and would like to see on other sites?

Bingo. Make the preview of the site a preview of the ACTUAL site. Three crappy "demo" pages that show me nothing of the real site's content/layout are not going to make me want to join. I want to see what I'm getting into and be confident that there's content worth paying for.

Also, giving free access to a blog or a message board that you participate in regularly can go a long way in reassuring me that I'm not going to end up paying for a zombie site that you're not actually updating anymore.
Do something like a clip of the week. Whether it be b/g, g/g, solo, or whatever else. Or (at the risk of it sounding MySpaceish), put a blog/update with the clip. Or something like that.
I like Brandon Iron's work such as in "Cover My Face." It delivers exactly what it describes,beautiful girls sucking cock and receiving multiple facials.
I especially enjoy the dirtiest godamdfucking dirty language enthusiastically embraced by the female pornstars.For me, thats a super turn on.
I used to be an Episcopalian, and there was this joke, “How many Episcopalians does it take to change a light bulb?” and the answer was, “Five. One to change the bulb and four to form a committee to remember how good the old bulb was.” I’m kind of afraid that, when your site relaunches, I may be on the committee to remember how good the old site was. Because I like it the way it is. I’m sure there are things that could be better, but I can’t think offhand of anything I would personally want to change.

What I like most about your site is that the front page is your blog, so we can tell immediately that you’re a real person and that you’re an intelligent person. On most of the sites that I’ve seen, you almost wonder whether the girl has anything to do with the site aside from being the one in the pictures and the videos. Sometimes I really do wonder, and I can’t tell if the girl on the site even authorized it or not. And sometimes I read the stuff on the front of a site and think, “Is she really that much of an idiot, or is it just that her webmaster doesn’t know how to write?”

My taste may not be typical, but I think your personality is what most sets you apart from the competition, so that’s something you want to keep on display. Granted, though, that’s probably not what’s going to get most guys’ attention at first. So it’s probably a good idea to have pictures on the front page too. When it comes to the first couple of pages that people see, I would err on the side of giving away too much rather than too little. People who only want free pictures of you can find plenty of them elsewhere, and they’re not likely to join anyhow. For the more serious prospects, you want something that’s going to make a guy’s jaw drop (which in my case would be a picture of you with one knee bent and the other leg extended, with a full bush, and with an inimitable naughty-but-innocent look on your face). I’d definitely be more likely to join a site if I saw something I really, really liked at the very beginning than if I had to use my imagination.

I ran across Puma Swede’s site recently, and I think it does a pretty good job of balancing text with pictures on the home page and of presenting text that makes her seem real and gets the attention of someone who is interested in knowing what she thinks. (Reading it, I can almost hear the Swedish accent.) She’s not the Thinking Man’s Nympho by a long shot, but she’s palpably human (only partly made of silicone ;)). And I remember reading through most of her Q&A, so something must have gotten me to click on the link in her About box that says “Read More.” I don’t like the color scheme, and I hate the popup that pops up if you enter through the front door, but the layout of the home page is pretty good. Though I think it might be better if there were at least one larger picture of her rather than just a lot of little ones.

An idea that pops into my head now is an image map where the cursor turns into the link cursor when it’s over your crotch. Maybe not a practical idea, because you’d either have to say something like, “Click on my crotch,” which would sound tacky, or else you’d have to let people figure it out for themselves, which they wouldn’t reliably do. But you could have a more obvious link somewhere else for people who don’t figure it out, and the crotch link would be like an Easter egg.