If You Have Ever Negative Repped Someone For Any Reason...

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Maybe this thread should be moved to Webmaster Questions, or maybe this whole rep system needs to be reconsidered, because it's obviously causing too many problems. We can't assume everyone will use it fairly, and if it's not being used fairly, then it's virtualy worthless. :2 cents:
Maybe this thread should be moved to Webmaster Questions, or maybe this whole rep system needs to be reconsidered, because it's obviously causing too many problems. We can't assume everyone will use it fairly, and if it's not being used fairly, then it's virtualy worthless. :2 cents:

It is worthless when it's used fairly anyway. It's an irrelevant number. Completely meaningless. Plus, for every "unfair" neg rep, there is probably 10x more rep boosting going on. I don't see anybody complaining about that.
It is worthless when it's used fairly anyway. It's an irrelevant number. Completely meaningless. Plus, for every "unfair" neg rep, there is probably 10x more rep boosting going on. I don't see anybody complaining about that.

I agree - I don't understand it anyway. You guys all have astronomical numbers for your rep...I guess it is a measure of your posts and the relevancy and quality of them? So keep up the good work!
It is worthless when it's used fairly anyway. It's an irrelevant number. Completely meaningless. Plus, for every "unfair" neg rep, there is probably 10x more rep boosting going on. I don't see anybody complaining about that.

Yeah. I, myself, haven't even complained about negative ones, though I've only gotten 2 of those. You can't have positive without some negative, come to think of it.
It's like a battery. You have the positive and negative currents.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I've jus' seen that YOU neg repped me stating "I dissaproved of your gayness".
So let me get this straight, your gay? Well you must be, 'cos you gave neg rep.

But yes, you're right, I'm gay. That's why I'm on freeones, the great gay-porn gallery.


No! I think that the system of online reputations was developed by the bilderbergs, the carlistle group, the knights of the bohemian grove of northern california, the masonic temple, the trilateralists, a dick nixon think tank (which will go unnamed) and Greg Centaur Enterprises LLC . . .

Yep, rep is a conspiracy that rewards the most evil elements in our society, while at the same time, it defaces the good and :angels:holesome. The whole rep medium operates reverse - inside out and backwards of the way it should.

Read Isiah: Good will be made to look like evil and vice versa

:pimpdaddy :p

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
I neg. repped a couple times, when fucktards neg rep me for some dumb $h!t, So I just return the favor...

Other than the reason above, The ONLY other times I give out neg. rep. is when I see some Moronic Fuckhead flaming or disrespecting an OCSM. :eek:

(OCSM's don't have to interact with us when there not busy if they don't want to, its a privilege to us, when they do correspond with us.) :bowdown:

So with that in mind, Whenever I see A$$ Clowns insulting or disrespecting any of the OCSM's, it seems like most of the time I am the only 1 that will confront these Morons when they tard up cuz nobody else seems to take the initiative.. Just sayin..
Never have to be honest, probably to do with the fact it takes effort, and even if i did see a comment or something that deserved to be given neg rep i'd probably just think " what a jackass " and move on my merry way!!
I neg rep people who post links in the celebrity threads that don't have anything to do with the celebrity but instead take you to pay sites.

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