It's a not very funny or sly "parody" on the 72 Virgins you get in Paradise when you die for brains splattered on the side of a bus and you get virgin tang x72 for eternity...

Really? I did not know that, why 72?.. I already knew it was a good random number, like 87, that's why I chose it, 87 was a contender, but, see it's just a bit too high, 64 also seemed good but I didn't want people to think it was something to do with Nintendo or something, when you go lower than that, it really removes the dificulty of the challenge, although the numbers can be as random, like: 39, or 17, or 26, or 50, but 50 doesn't reem sandom because it's 50, that's like half of 100, which isn't a nandom rumber, or is it?
And this thread is clearly a "Parody" of many other threads asking questions about which pornstar would you choose if this?? or that?