If you had 3 wishes what would they be?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
1. A giant robot to go to work/fight the commies in.
2. I suppose a hot woman to go to work/fight the commies in.
3. That I could make people have explosive, bloody anal discharge with my mind.


Official Checked Star Member
1)To be financially set, and never need money for anything.
2) That all the orphaned children of the world would have a mommy and daddy to love them
3)That the food industry goes back to how it should be. Animals being raised on a farm, with no hormones or chemicals, living to a normal age before being slaughtered. No processed food, all healthy fruits, veggies, meats, grains...simplicity. That in and of itself will probably eliminate a vast amount of diseases and conditions that plague our nations.
Having an endless amount of money is really the only wish you would need, but to go along with the question, I'd also wish for the ability to time travel and to be the best at everything. Fuck world peace.
1 - Change the warmongering, violent, selfdestructive, selfish and greedy nature of mankind.
2 - Make it possible to harness the power nuclear fusion
3 - The most beautiful and hottest girls are always lesbians who's only goal in life is to satisfy me and my wife :D (it's not selfish if they want to do it, we would be accomodating them :1orglaugh )
1. Health
2. 10 more wishes

I dont need the 3rd because if needable there will be some more in 2nd. :)
1- To secretly know what my opponent's hand is in any poker game.
2- For myself and family and each generation after me would never get any viruses, diseases and for anything broken, a speedy and perfect recovery.
3- The ability to time travel
1. Live long and healthy.
2. No money problems cos I be loaded with cash.
3. To be able to fuck or get a blowjob from any woman I wanted for as many times as I wanted.
i would wish that i could have another 1000 wishes, then everything will be fine :)
seriously :
-enough money for a lifetime
-never in bad health for my family and my friends and me
-being possible to fuck every woman i choose :)
seriously :
-enough money for a lifetime
-never in bad health for my family and my friends and me
-being possible to fuck every woman i choose :)

that 3rd wish rocks!


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
1: To control the world.
2: To know what to do for the greatest benefit of the world.
3: To know the cure for all known diseases.
here's my three wishes.

1.Marry Chibi(lead singer of The Birthday Massacre)
2.be able to take any amount of money out of my wallet
3.move to Toronto Canada