For that money, possibly a 2005 Subaru Impreza WRX STI.
For that money, possibly a 2005 Subaru Impreza WRX STI.
10K can probably get you my old car, in GREAT shape....:weeping:
^^you can buy a ferrari or rolls for 20k, but then how much more do you have to spend on maintenance and spares?
Maybe I'm the only one on the board or something, but I never understood why people think you have to splurge so much to have a really sick car. I get a kick out of asshats that lease and at the end of three years have nothing to show for it. It just never made sense to me. What's the point? Car is your worst investment. Is it any wonder why billionaires Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffet (to name only TWO) drive a Honda and a Lincoln respectively? Sam Walton's son drive a friggin 1999 Chevy Silverado and he is worth close to 20 billion. You give me 10 stacks and I gaurantee I could find a car that would absolutely turn heads everyday. :dunno: Hell, six stacks can have you a brilliant car, if you look in the right places and have patience.
Anyone who buys a used rental car is fucked in the head. If only you knew what I did to the rentals my dad got over the years, not to mention every other guy with a pair between their legs, you would think twice. Me and the boys once stole my dads brand new Grand Am rental when he went to sleep one Friday and we beat that thing so hard it's a wonder it didn't break down on us. The governer kicked in on 94 I maxed that bitch out at 105.
It's all about personal choice BS - try not to generalize. A smart person that chooses to shell out $$$ on a lease first of all should be able to afford that lease. At the end of the term, they normally surrender the car and get into a brand new one. That makes perfect sense when you can afford it - it's a lifestyle. The 'asshats' are the ones who can't afford it but do it anyway.
Bezos and Buffet obviously aren't into cars - otherwise they'd invest more in them. So you can't really use them as examples. Jay Leno is loaded too, and look at the fleet of vehicles he has. But again, he's one person.
Agreed - a car is not an investment - it's usually a necessity. But for some who are so inclined and can afford it a car may be a luxury.
I love the fact that for an extra $25 bucks a day you can submit their car to such abuse that would make the Spanish Inquisition blush. :thumbsup:
Seriously, my current car is a former rental. It had 28k miles on it when I bought it in 2005, and besides the time when the fuel pump took a shit last August, I've never had any problems with it. I'm now at 150k miles, and it still runs like new.
... then I get belittled on here like I'm some sort of bum ...
It's all about personal choice BS - try not to generalize.
Bezos and Buffet obviously aren't into cars - otherwise they'd invest more in them. So you can't really use them as examples. Jay Leno is loaded too, and look at the fleet of vehicles he has. But again, he's one person.
Agreed - a car is not an investment - it's usually a necessity. But for some who are so inclined and can afford it a car may be a luxury.
What's a nice car to one person may not be such a nice car to someone else. Just like with everything else, everyone has different tastes. ...my taste in cars may be totally different from some other guy who is also a car nut.
For that money, possibly a 2005 Subaru Impreza WRX STI.