If You Could, Would You Switch Barack Obama For Bill Clinton As President?

If You Could...

  • I'd Put Bill Clinton Back In As Prez

    Votes: 28 71.8%
  • Keep Obama

    Votes: 11 28.2%

  • Total voters
I think Bill Clinton was probably a more effective leader, but the state of the economy is such that I don't think any recent President would do a better job than Obama. There's only so much a President can do to jump start the economy, he can't get into the heads of businessmen and magically make them more confident. On top of that we're more effected by the actions of other countries then ever.


As far as Obama or Clinton? Obama doesn't seem to realize he's in trouble politically because he's tried to be Bil Clinton instead of the Obama he ran on.

Most of the Americans who voted for him did so because he represented an agent for change. At least in the primaries...in the general, he was just far superior to his competition IMO. But you don't represent change by trying to be someone or something people have had before.

His fatal flaw is associating Clinton's popularity with Clinton when Clinton's popularity had nothing to do with Clinton but the economy he presided over. Just like his popularity being tied to the economy he's presiding over.

As a president you can put things in reasonable, rational perspectives which he's failed to do (beyond being painting as 'still blaming Bush') but no arrangement of words is going to make people feel better about a situation they see as bad without having some way to put it in perspective.

If you're sick and you're being treated by a doctor and for no other reason than being treated you expect to be well in a week but 2 weeks pass and you're still not well, you'll presume the treatment isn't working if you don't know one way or the other. But if the doc tells you from the outset past treatments for similar, rare illnesses have taken up to two months...then you have some idea of what to expect and you're not panicking after 2 weeks. Further, you'll start to focus on signs that you're healing as opposed to the signs showing that you are still sick. Some would argue the psychologically benefit and confidence of seeing signs you're getting better might speed up the process.

But why do we need to exchange Obama for Clinton...Obama's working hard to do it himself.

Just this week he's apparently sought Clinton's advice.....if it was for anything beyond how to ruin a presidency being dumb Obama's wasting his time.:facepalm:


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I'd put Clinton back. He's proven, for a start. Not to mention that I'm not impressed with mr B.O.'s (his initials are body odour?!) performance.

Of course, doesn't affect me much, I have no choice as I'm only a citizen of a vassal state.
I'd put Clinton back. He's proven, for a start.

Proven what? That he can get himself impeached over a few sluts??:facepalm:

Which proves one thing, people don't care what kind of president you are as long as they're spending money. Just like under Bush...too many people were busy spending 'rebate' checks and making runs on their credit due to the free money policies he encouraged to know how bad the guy was until it was too late.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Jimmy Carter is smarter, but what do I know.


Closed Account
as i recall, Slick Willy gave us a huge budget surplus and times weren't terrible with him, so absolutely i would


...currently wanking!
Switch one puppet for another?What's the point?:dunno:
Clinton was successful because there was a world wide boom during his terms to carry him along and make the people feel good.Obama inherited a poisoned chalice which nobody could hope to deal with over a short period.Also when taking office a president finds that things aren't quite as they have been presented, it's a different situation from what was expected and his policies have to be modified.
So IMO and very broadly, because of their circumstances both Presidents will be remembered for things over which they had any real influence.
Hmmm....Clinton was more assertive and harder to push around than Obama was. Clinton was also more willing to step on toes and if he wanted to do something and he didn't worry about upsetting the other party as much. I still think Obama hopes all the politicians will start holding hands and start getting along and working together. It's not happening, and in fact it's been a detriment to him when you consider Obama has let the Republicans push and frame the agenda again and again while he has been president. Obama was been very weak in that regard.

On the other hand Obama actually has more better ideas than Clinton did (not that Obama is perfect in what he believes, far from it.) and probably a better philosophy on what ideas should be implemented. That's lessened because Obama does compromise way too much. Clinton might have been more assertive, but assertiveness doesn’t mean as much when what you're asserting is wrong, just look at George W. Bush for an example of that. Obama also hasn't lied under oath in a court of law either, which was a serious offense to commit for a public official, especially of one that high of level. (I don't give a crap about him sleeping around as much, that was between him and his family, but abusing his position to do it with an intern and committing perjury in a court of law is a lot more serious an offense.) Clinton also had the benefit of being president before the tech bubble burst and got to play with a lot of pretend money. Obama doesn't even have that or doesn’t even get to be in a normal economic situation. While Clinton wasn't at W. Bush levels of corruption he was definitely more that way than Obama is.

Neither of them would be able to do well in the political and economic environment right now. I don't anybody could. There is more obstructionist politics now than I can remember any other time in my lifetime. I don't see either of them as being better than the other. Although on a personal level I think Obama is a better person than Clinton is.
Hmmm....Clinton was more assertive and harder to push around than Obama was. Clinton was also more willing to step on toes and if he wanted to do something and he didn't worry about upsetting the other party as much. I still think Obama hopes all the politicians will start holding hands and start getting along and working together. It's not happening, and in fact it's been a detriment to him when you consider Obama has let the Republicans push and frame the agenda again and again while he has been president. Obama was been very weak in that regard.

On the other hand Obama actually has more better ideas than Clinton did (not that Obama is perfect in what he believes, far from it.) and probably a better philosophy on what ideas should be implemented. That's lessened because Obama does compromise way too much. Clinton might have been more assertive, but assertiveness doesn’t mean as much when what you're asserting is wrong, just look at George W. Bush for an example of that. Obama also hasn't lied under oath in a court of law either, which was a serious offense to commit for a public official, especially of one that high of level. (I don't give a crap about him sleeping around as much, that was between him and his family, but abusing his position to do it with an intern and committing perjury in a court of law is a lot more serious an offense.) Clinton also had the benefit of being president before the tech bubble burst and got to play with a lot of pretend money. Obama doesn't even have that or doesn’t even get to be in a normal economic situation. While Clinton wasn't at W. Bush levels of corruption he was definitely more that way than Obama is.

Neither of them would be able to do well in the political and economic environment right now. I don't anybody could. There is more obstructionist politics now than I can remember any other time in my lifetime. I don't see either of them as being better than the other. Although on a personal level I think Obama is a better person than Clinton is.

1. Clinton lost both houses of congress in his second year and was known for working with the other party. He was already right of Obama and moved to the center to make the most out of his presidency. He's chiefly remembered for pissing off the progressive/liberal base which is part of the reason why they came out so strongly against Hillary in favor of other candidates.

2. That's what libs like to say, and that meme has paid off to the base. The truth is that the Dems control both Congress and could get around Republican manuevering...progs blame the Republicans because it's easier than admitting that their own party doesn't take them seriously or that parochial wrangling stalled other legislation.

Libs lie to themselves again and again.

3. I think you'll find plenty of folks on this thread (myself included) who say the opposite. Even to his enemies Clinton comes off as intelligent and he can actually identify and articulate policy points and issues.

4. Obama also comes across as a weak man who doesn't even know his own country, and he's been targeted as such by the leaders of other countries. Putin, Lula and Wen JiaoBao, Netanyahu have him pegged.
1. Clinton lost both houses of congress in his second year and was known for working with the other party. He was already right of Obama and moved to the center to make the most out of his presidency. He's chiefly remembered for pissing off the progressive/liberal base which is part of the reason why they came out so strongly against Hillary in favor of other candidates.

2. That's what libs like to say, and that meme has paid off to the base. The truth is that the Dems control both Congress and could get around Republican manuevering...progs blame the Republicans because it's easier than admitting that their own party doesn't take them seriously or that parochial wrangling stalled other legislation.

Libs lie to themselves again and again.

3. I think you'll find plenty of folks on this thread (myself included) who say the opposite. Even to his enemies Clinton comes off as intelligent and he can actually identify and articulate policy points and issues.

4. Obama also comes across as a weak man who doesn't even know his own country, and he's been targeted as such by the leaders of other countries. Putin, Lula and Wen JiaoBao, Netanyahu have him pegged.

I don't dispute that Obama blew any democrat majority he had. Part of that was due his weakness also. Instead of pushing the issues and forcing things when that needed to be done he let other people set the agenda.

You are wrong about the Democrats being able to get things through congress with Obama uncontested if they wanted to. That was only true in the most literal strictest most absolute technical sense. To think they could just get around Republican maneuvering is totally false in any kind of realistic sense. Their majority wasn't that big. In the last few years Republicans seem willing to filibuster or screw around with procedural measures just about any and almost every issue. They pretty much oppose things just to oppose them now.

All it took was a few of Democrats wavering and things had the ability to fall apart for them, and that's exactly what happened with health care reform for example among many other things. Instead of something good that they had in mind we got a watered down measures that aren't going to fix the underlying problems with our health system or getting everybody insured at a reasonable rate or coincide with what most of the Western World views as a human right. But...Yes, you are right the Democrats did waver and did lack political will, and that really hurt them, especially when they could have went for the jugular, and probably should have.

When Clinton worked with the other party it usually ended up being something that was stupid. NAFTA really comes to mind right off the bat, or was something that was compromised so it was equally bad to everybody. That's part of what made a lot of his bad decisions bad. He also did it more out of necessity and not because he wanted to make nice which Obama was slanted more towards the latter. However if it came down to it I still think Clinton could have been more unwavering than Obama. Clinton also didn't have the disgruntledness against the Republicans when he came into office like Obama had. If Clinton came into the situation Obama did when they entered the presidency Clinton would have been more likely to try and crush the opponents under his heal. Obama has less excuse for squandering the opportunities he had.

Clinton wasn't intelligent, he was charismatic. There's a enormous difference between those two things. Sweet talking stupid people doesn't make one intelligent and doesn't mean he knew what he was doing. Most aspects where Clinton might look good are because of fortunate timing of when he was president more than any other factor. He was president in pretty much the only time since the 60s where our economy had a mild illusion of being not that bad.

I think Obama does know his country, at least more than a lot of his modern predecessors. (Which still is probably not that much.) By “country” I mean the people in it. I might even go so far as to think he knows what the normal average and poor people think even more so. His problem is that people just expected him to be able to magically fix problems that would be virtually impossible for him to do so (Only partly because of his fault because things I have already listed on this thread.) in an environment where it's more important to his opponents that he fail than the welfare of the people is, and in an economic situation that‘s a near disaster and doesn‘t look like it will get much better, and I mean truly much better, maybe ever.

He also receives a lot of the blame for things people are short sighted and selfish about. When to fix problems will cause most people to have to sacrifice in some way and most people just think about themselves then there is now way to actually fix the problems with people being pissed because something might not benefit them as much. It’s either that or don’t fix any problems. The publics general fickleness came back to hurt him. Having Republicans complaining and constantly able to convince people though fear mongering or some blind ideological loyalty to actually be against things that are in their best interest hurts him a great deal, and as an Objective observer who is with neither party I have to say the Republicans do that MUCH better than the Democrats. However, I don’t equate somebody manipulating the flaws of the public and using them to their advantage as something that is really “knowing their own country“.

I think if one could take Obamas ideas minus a handful of the political issues he's stupid about, and combined them with a stronger will and iron clad resolve to MAKE things happen or go to the ends of the Earth trying he would be an alright, not great, but alright president. Unfortunately the time to do that has passed for him.

The Democrats and Obama's biggest disadvantage, believe it or not, was actually winning the last presidential election. If Republicans would have inherited the situation with the amount of people that were already sour on the Bush years back then they would be crippled by now that the Dems could have came in and cleaned up like a political party hasn't done in modern US politics.


uhm... no.
And contrary to what anyone who's seen somem of my other posts would think, I am not unhappy having Obama as my President.

I look at it this way... while EVERYONE in DC has seemingly forgotten, the job of the President is foreign policy. And we needed a different approach in many of the things we were doing in the world... Or at least a different spin on how we deal with other nations in doing what we do.

A friend and financial advisor once told me when the GOP is in control of the Congress, he votes Dem, & vice versa... His point was that they are a check and balance on each other... We've seen what NOT having that check/ balance can do in even a short time.

So I'd MUCH prefer a small government congress with a President willing to go speak, even to the Chavez's & Iranian Presidents.

Sadly, i suspect he is learning the harsh truth that everyone wants America to be the generous uncle, but the moment you decline to hand out cash or candy all the past gifts are forgotten, and the moment you ask for help, even if it's mowing THEIR lawn you get abandoned or called names or have someone insisting you 'were trying to touch them.'

Oh wait, that was the wikileaks guy trying to touch other people (an aside, i wouldn't want all the shit i've said and looked at widely published... it amazes me people think it's ok at a government level to do what they'd never want the government to do to them).

So having gone on WAaaaaayyyyyy to long, No, I believe Obama has done a credible job at what his job is... he's only gotten into trouble belatedly trying to do what he was supposed to be doing when he was congressman.



Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Proven what? That he can get himself impeached over a few sluts??:facepalm:

Which proves one thing, people don't care what kind of president you are as long as they're spending money. Just like under Bush...too many people were busy spending 'rebate' checks and making runs on their credit due to the free money policies he encouraged to know how bad the guy was until it was too late.

Clinton stuck his cock in someone & lied about it. So what; W lied you into a pair of fucking pointless wars.
He was smart enough to run a few F15Es over Iraq and flatten Iraq's WMD sites without invading. He left america with cash to spare.
I know things haven't been easy for Obama, but I don't think he's doing well enough.
Clinton was not always as popular now or his 2nd term. Time will tell on Obama. Overall, yes, Clinton would be better in the White House for what I know so far.
Clinton, for better or for worse, tended to go with the way the winds were blowing... when the GOP won the House in 94, he worked with them and the results are history as they say... he gets the credit, but the 90s were a good time to be President I suppose. This President got in way over his head and rammed ideological doctrine down America's throat... he lost the House, and is now trying to pull a "slick Willie" and compromise, but it's backfiring at present. Who knows what tomorrow holds, but times are certainly different now, both economically and politically.:2 cents:
I'll still take Obama. I didn't know the Senate Dems would become simpering cowards once Obama came into office. They didn't help him out much.