When the pollsters call during my supper tomorrow, as they have every night this week, what can I yell at them in German to make them hang up? Preferably something nice, and polite, but sounds violent to non German speakers.
Well, I think you can be vicious in every language, just pick the right accent and the right attitude. In German, therwe are several ways to be rude or making people hang up:
1. Do the Hitler
2. Use a very thick accent, and practcally tlk complete gibberish. Saxonian, Bavarian, they can be rough.
As a former customer service agent, I can say: make lung pauses, talk over them, turn on loud music or other audio, get creepy, you can have extreme fun, and the callers will ahve something to talk about. You can even pre-tape your part of such conversations, and just put the telephon next to the audioplayer and let it go it's way.
All in all,, the Hitler accent is awesome, and it does not really matter WHAT you say, just belt it out. Even poems sound like a death sentence that way