If you could have sex with any porn star you wanted who would it be?

All Of Them.....every Single One!!
I've been lucky enough to fuck a few pornstars before they became stars, up and coming + greedy + needy seems to make them very friendly. LOL

Most were outstanding in the sack, but once they become porn stars they lose something. I suppose the best one who kept her edge was Stacy Silver (still working) and Roxanne Hall (retired)

Not bragging just the perks of being a pornographer.
I know you said one, but, I'm a cheater:
Devin Deray
Courtney Devine
Mya Lovely
Lanny Barbie
Amy Ried
Jenaveve Jolie
Heather Hunter
Tera Patrick
Roxy Reynolds
One day at a time with a half a Viagra and shot of Kettle One.