If you could have sex with any porn star you wanted who would it be?

WAAAAAAY too many to choose from :) ! For squirt action I'd go with Dasha (I think she's retired, but I bet she still squirts real good!) and for looks...again, way too many to choose from, but one that sticks out for me right now as I'm typing this is: Kira Kener. I think she has fake boobs but they're *tasteful* fake boobs and I think she has a smokin' face. I'm married these days but if I weren't married and she gave me the chance for some "adult play" with her - I'm pretty sure I wouldn't turn her down!
I go back in time because i have some good memories about her. I go for LOIS AYRES in The devil in miss jones. Where she must suck a cock , and than they could leave there. :blowjob: :D