If you could have sex with any porn star you wanted who would it be?

If I had my options...

I would fuck the following women...

Angela Devi < --- :nanner:
Ewa Sonnet < --- :nanner:
Veronica Zemanova
Lorna Morgan
Gia LaShay
Aria Giovanni
Ashley Juggs
Danni Ashe
Devin DeRay

All bow to my beautiful wife :bowdown: Angela Devi. The one I would fuck 4 times a day...In the street, the bed, the woods, the beach, and on National Television.
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hmmm... tough question...

here's a few:

Aria Giovanni
Jade Hsu
Britney Skye
Tawney Roberts
Amber Evans
Veronica Zemenova
Anita Black
Anita Blond
Veronica Vanoza
Tera Patrick
Terri Summers
Danni Woodward
Jezebelle Bond

eh, to many to name.

but I'd go with Aria because she's my favourite. she's a sex goddess.

also, Rayne (Bloodrayne, the chick in my avatar) yes, I know she's not real... but she's hot.
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