If You Could Go Back In Time

Hello All,

Just wanted to introduce myself,i'm the Bear. I just came to this site.

If i could go back in time the last thing I would do is try to change anything big. You would never know the ramifications of such an act. What I would do would be sort of what Bill Murray did in Groundhog Day. I would go back and learn what i could about all the girls i didn't hook up with in my past. Whether because I was to scared to ask them out or just missed opportunities. This way I would never have to think WHAT IF.
The farther back in time one goes the more significant the changes can be. For example if one could go back in time to, say, 1870/1871 perhaps one could change the incompetent French military and instead of losing the Franco-Prussian war they win.
Think of the interesting time line then. Perhaps Germany breaks up and goes back to the series of individual states and principalities that it was befor Bismarck united them. Then, since there is no united Germany, possibly the arms race of the late 1890's and early 1900's never happens along with the series of suicidal alliances that Europe committed to. Therefore when Gavrilo Princip assassinates the Archduke of Austria-Hungary what should have been a localized confilict never escalates into World War 1.
Now it gets really interesting. Since there is no WW1 there is never any harsh peace of Versailles. That fact and since there is no united Germany there is none of the revenge factor fueling the Germanic peoples and no opening for a frustrated artist named Hitler to seize power. Ergo no Holocaust, no seeds sown for WWII (at least the European part).
Also with no WW1 Russia does not suffer horrible military losses which were a contributing factor to the overthrow of the Tsar by the Bolsheviks although it is entirely probable that there would still have been civil war in Russia anyway because of the inequalites between the peasents and the elite but it may have not happened for several more years and possibly the Tsar would have "got it" and been able to defuse the situation if not entirely eliminate the Lenin/Stalin threat. Maybe no "Red Scare". At a minimum because of no WWII there would have been no Iron Curtain accross Europe and no cold war at all.
It would be interesting to know if any of the technological breakthroughs that the wars produced would have happened anyway or just have been delayed.
As a side note there also would not have been the Lusitania sinking.
if i turn back...about world?,changing some bad events i think is nonsens cause 9/11 i'll be substitute by 4/7,hitler by hanz,if you stop adam to eat from forbidden appel,i am sure he find the forbidden strawberry,etc,is human nature to destroy ,to rebuild.in my live i'll change a little,very little, i don't regret much,
so, i think i revive the same fellings,with joy and sadness!


BNF said:
I peeked into the thread half expecting to see... I'd go back and "do" Eve or go back and "nail Queen *ç%+" or Mae West or something...

Hmmmm...I wonder what Eve looked like? I don't believe in Adam and Eve. But theoretically...


It's good to be the king...
I wouldn't attempt to go back in time - by changing an event in history, it would have a Domino effect, which would cascade down the timeline and could possibly wipe out one's own existence.
niky 6 said:
if i turn back...about world?,changing some bad events i think is nonsens cause 9/11 i'll be substitute by 4/7,hitler by hanz,if you stop adam to eat from forbidden appel,i am sure he find the forbidden strawberry,etc,is human nature to destroy ,to rebuild.in my live i'll change a little,very little, i don't regret much,
so, i think i revive the same fellings,with joy and sadness!

Great post, you and om3ga.

There’s no actually a way to solve the problems that way. Just watch, Hitler had nothing to do with 9/11, or the conquest to America to the hungry in Africa.

Maybe you could tell that girl you where in love, that you loved her, maybe she would ended up cheating you with your best friend, but you actually solved something, being with that girl.

Massive acts can’t rally prevent atrocities, other atrocities could go on.
Without the World Wars, the USA and in their time the soviet union would never being the political and economic powers they are and where, do you really wanted that?
Without communism, the great depression could never be finished, they used communism and socialist ideas to end it.

And as om3ga says, maybe someone could prevent martin Luther king, JFK, Lincoln, anyone from dyeing. I’m not saying keeping them alive could make the world a better place.
But your own existence could be in danger. Maybe your conception had a lot to do with the death of JFK, the teachings of MLK, because those events changed the way a lot of people thinks.
If I say I would wanted to meet my grandfather preventing him from dyeing would be great, but his death actually made my parents to consider matrimony and having children
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Right, ugh back to the topic. If I could go back in time I would go so far forward I woudn't have to deal with this life.
I would stop CIA from participating into conflict between communist forces and local feorces (Afghanistan, Chile...).

They succeed winning aganst communist forces but they've created monsters such as Pinochet (Chilean bloody dictator) or Bin Laden (remember : Bin Laden learned how to fight during the afghanistan war where USA and CIA were "teaching" the local fighters).
A number of you are talking about changing world events. That is all find and good assuming one could prevent such atrosoties. Like to kill Hitler or to prevent 911. Do we really think that you could physically do so, and if u could not the people in charge would probably not listen to you anyway. The Bush administration had a number of warnings about bin laden and his terror networks but they did nothing. THey decided that when something did happen they would blame the Clinton administration for not getting bin laden when they had the chance. It is possible that if these things did not happen that bigger things would have that could have been much much worse. Remember WWII, 9/11, the holocaust have all been learning experiences. As for me, I would go back in time and collect as much info as I could. I have a feeling that some of ancient history is not entirely correct, so I would want to tell it as acuratley as possible. To be witness to some of the most historic events in human history would be amazing. To go forward to see what the human race becomes would be interesting, however one might find something so horrible that it would be unbearable. Sorry for the rant but the what if question has come into my mind on a regular basis throughout my life.
if we changed the past, would the world be here as it is now? the past is the past, change now so when we look back, we won't hang our heads in shame.
I'd only observe, I wouldn't want to change anything. If I did, with my luck, I'd wipe myself off the face of the earth, or end up royally fucked somehow

It'd be cool to witness some major moments in history, or see who built the pyramids & stonehenge. Of course I'd have to check out the dinosaurs and have my own real life version of the "Land of the Lost".
If you went back in time how would one go about changing anything anyway? If you went back to November 1, 1963 you'd have 3 weeks to save JFK. Would anyone in his administration let you anywhere near him? If you told them something why should they even believe you. The best you could do would be to find Lee Harvey Oswald and kill him. (and if it turns out you just killed a patsy JFK dies anyway and you killed an innocent man).
Another thing is that a time machine just travels through time to "when" not "where". If you got into a time machine in London and wanted to go to try and save Lincoln you'd have to give yourself enough time to travel accross the Atlantic to get to Washington, D.C. There are enough logistical problems getting to your desired place to keep you distracted from achieving your goal.
In-4-mant said:
leave it alone. ever play command & conquer: red alert? think of it that way. if we went back in time and killed hitler, thus preventing, if not drasticallly reducing the likelihood of WW2, we could have gone to war with the soviet union instead. the cold war could have turned hot, and the cuban missile crisis could have been a real crisis. if ww2 never happened, we might not have made it to space because the space program was the result of german V2 rocket research. suppose if MLK or JFK didnt get assassinated...yeah they'd be great leaders and spokesmen, but their deaths were the jumpstart for civil/human rights movement.

it sucks that bad things have happened in the past, but what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. and if we change the past to prevent a bad thing, an equally worse, if not greater bad thing could happen.

consider an earthquake. if you dont have those little tremors, a massive earthquake will occur as the result of built up tension. earthquakes are bad things, but there is some good in even the worst things.

Interesting books you might want to read:


with respect, i think that this world would be better if doesn't exist any religion. like the john lennon song.

"nothing to killing or die for
and no religion too"

there are too much killing in the name of good, so why don't meet with jesus , moises and mahoma and tell him what will happend in the future.

if they desist there will not be killing people in the inquisition, there will no be cruzade , there will not be millions of killed people in conquer of america, there will not be palestinian and israel conflict, there will not be terrorist that kill in the name of god, there will not be 9/11 , there will not be osama, and george bush wouldn't say that god talk him.

it's just a reflection of what human have made in the name of good.

i hope nobody take that in a bad sense. it' just my personal opinion.
way to dig up an old ass thread... but um the way that I always figured it if the process of time travel didn't destroy the universve in itself, when you arrived at your destination all the laws of science should still be intact. so in other words, if you killed your own father you wouldn't just spontaniously dissapear. in abstract notion yes you couldn't therfor exist in the future... but since you now exist in the past (present) which you never would have in the first place anyway, it stands to logical reasoning that you exist autonomously from linear time. or else maybe just the paradox counteracts itself because if you killed your father you could never be born and never travel back in time to kill your father. I think it's a little bit of both- that the future is always hypothetical from any given present point, even if you had first hand knowledge of what it will be like, it still hasn't technically happened yet.
also... all human catastrophies are preventable, and in the same way they aren't. no paradox there. human being have the ability to comprehend rational thought, and thus choose their own actions. nothing you do aside from killing everyone will change that. also I do belive in reincarnation so your destiny is in your own hands.
that being said, yeah i'd travel through time and risk fucking up everyones lives just to sate my own curiosity. but sorry if I did end up destroying the universe, i'd feel bad if I could, but ya know... I wouldn't exist either.


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henry316 said:
with respect, i think that this world would be better if doesn't exist any religion. like the john lennon song.

"nothing to killing or die for
and no religion too"

there are too much killing in the name of good, so why don't meet with jesus , moises and mahoma and tell him what will happend in the future.

if they desist there will not be killing people in the inquisition, there will no be cruzade , there will not be millions of killed people in conquer of america, there will not be palestinian and israel conflict, there will not be terrorist that kill in the name of god, there will not be 9/11 , there will not be osama, and george bush wouldn't say that god talk him.

it's just a reflection of what human have made in the name of good.

i hope nobody take that in a bad sense. it' just my personal opinion.

No religion huh. You want to take away what some people feel is all they have. I am not a very religious person but i undertsand the fact that many look to God for hope and faith.
Think about Nikki Nova and her current thread. How many times were there references to prayers and praying for her recovery?