If You Could be the Best Athlete in the World at One Sport

Good one. My favorite ever boxer: The Polish Assassin, Andrew Golota. :bowdown: Those guys make retarted money as well, and all they have to do is train a couple months out of the year, sign a $30mill contract and get PPV royalties.

I suppose I could through the 20s in there as well. After all, that was the time period when Jack Dempsey reigned supreme.


Believer In GregCentauro
I have to completely disagree here. NASCAR is arguably one of the most grueling sporting activities, requiring excellent physical conditioning. Consider first, the fact that NASCAR cockpits reach temperatures of over 115 degrees farenheit and those temperatures are sustained, at times, for hours on end, and drivers commonly lose 10-15 lbs, if not more, of water weight per race. Consider then, that there are no cooloing elements within the vehicles themselves and that drivers, wearing sweltering fire suits must maintain focus for extended periods of time in what amounts to a sauna that moves at 200 mph. Further, drivers must be able to tolerate the G forces that come with turning the vehicles at high speeds under the same conditions which can easily result in a significant loss of vision and disorientation if a driver is not physically fit. Couple those concepts with the fact that controlling a 3,400 lb car, especially at those speeds, requires physical strength for both braking and shifting as well as significant forearm/wrist strength to maintain course and line at top speeds with steering wheels that take ample amounts of coercion to control given all of the other circumstances (G force, speed, other drivers feet or even inches away). Also, the cars are built aeordynamically, and at 200 mph with most of the air being forced away from the car , drivers have a significantly less amount of oxygen available to them inside the cockpit, which is obviously not pressurized like that of jets or other aircraft that travel at similar speeds, necessitating a very strong respiratory system and a workout regimen that, among other things is tailored towards maximum bodily usage of minimal amounts of oxygen alongside the concept that there is no ventilation on a NASCAR, meaning that large amounts of engine-expelled CO2 is being pushed directly into the vehicle which can cause dizziness and general disorientation, necessitating an even greater amount of foucs and concentration to even maintain conciousness and an ability to expertly maneuver a speeding vehicle, not only around the track, but in and out of traffic. NASCAR is indeed a physical sporting activity and anyone who disagrees, IMO, isn't at all informed as to the very real justifications of that statement.

On topic, though, I would really love to be the best pitcher in the world, or maybe even the best golfer. Both would be equally cool, IMO.

Being able to withstand great forces and long term exposure to heat (while pretty cool) does not qualify you as an "athlete". This is not to say that everything you point out does not make sense, but drivers are not world class athletes...nor do they really require or have a skill that one can not duplicate...

To be an athlete, one must rely solely on their own body to accomplish their goal. For instance, a baseball player uses a bat, obviously not their own body, but how do they use their bat? It is essentially an extension of their arms. The player still must rely purely on his/her physical abilities. Hand-eye coordination to hit the ball and give it a direction, and potentially strength to hit it far.

A NASCAR driver does not rely solely on his body. He uses his body to turn and accelerate, but the car is what is the major reason a driver has success. The driver relies on the car’s abilities as much as his own. In no other sport is an athlete so dependent on his gear.

Pretty much in every real physical sport a PED is going to enhance the players ability to perform better. In NASCAR, if a guy jacks up on a whole bunch of PEDs, hes not going to be faster or anything.

Obviously, NASCAR drivers are incredibly talented and are definitely taking a daily beating (driving a car moving that quickly is not easy), but the races are more events, not sports matches.


what the fuck you lookin at?
whatever sport hands out the biggest contracts.
Pretty much in every real physical sport a PED is going to enhance the players ability to perform better. In NASCAR, if a guy jacks up on a whole bunch of PEDs, hes not going to be faster or anything.


Meth. ;) I think all those hillbillies are all hopped up on meth.

are there any pro sports i can drink beer while playing?


Daly dropped out of Arkansas as a junior and turned pro in 1987. His mother loaned him $300 for the Missouri Open, his first professional tournament. He won $6,300. "I won $40,000 before tour school," he says.

But he still carried the hate. "Oh, the mini-tours, I played the whole thing drunk," he says. "Nobody knew. I'd ride around with my ice in the cart and Jack Daniels in the cart."

