If Germany only had tougher gun restrictions

I think everyone knows when a wave of Muslim refugees flood countries like they have they can't be properly checked out or kept track of. Many of them, I'm sure, are desperate and innocent people running away from the Hell their countries have become. But, there are enough evil people mixed in who have the desire to take advantage and harm the people of their new country who will give them sanctuary, charity, and mercy.

Why keep your head buried in the sand being blinded by your leaders who are either so ignorant about destroying your societies or they're in on it? Quit allowing yourselves to be shamed and made to feel guilty about any sins of the past. You have your own people to answer to and take care of first.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Multiculturalim. That is the answer to your question.

But that's racist. And true. A disproportionate amount of crime is perpetrated by one group or another but people are too scared of PC backlash to actually say that.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I think everyone knows when a wave of Muslim refugees flood countries like they have they can't be properly checked out or kept track of. Many of them, I'm sure, are desperate and innocent people running away from the Hell their countries have become. But, there are enough evil people mixed in who have the desire to take advantage and harm the people of their new country who will give them sanctuary, charity, and mercy.

Why keep your head buried in the sand being blinded by your leaders who are either so ignorant about destroying your societies or they're in on it? Quit allowing yourselves to be shamed and made to feel guilty about any sins of the past. You have your own people to answer to and take care of first.

It will probably sound astonishing, coming from me, but you are correct about this. And this is something that angers me, too. Our government under chancellor Angela Merkel had all the intelligence reports for years and knew that this refugee situiation was growing, and at least to THEM, thos cannot be a surprise. So the way this went down was a choice.

Also, on the european scale, the southern countries who get the first streams, Turkey, Greece, Italy, they should have been both financially and with goods, prepared.

So we had to weather this flood, and, as now the refugee crisis deals are set up, the flood has pretty much stopped.

But it will take a lot longer to get every single person checked and the papers, if they have them in order, and so on.

Bottom line:

We stand in for the whole of the western world who created the situation in the area around Syria and Libya and Afghanistan and so on, and we do our best. There are international laws concerning refuigees, and as countries like the USA choose to ignore them, that does not mean we will do them same.

Not every aspect of this is ideal, but bottom line:

If you say you are a country based on humanitaian and christian principles, you act like you speak.


Closed Account
The violent crime rate (non-firearms related) in Japan is also much lower than it is in the U.S. (even though, as has been said, the violent crime rate in the U.S. has been declining for some time).

Guns aside, we have a higher crime rate (violent and nonviolent) than many/most developed Western countries. I'm not a sociologist, so I don't know exactly why. But we do.

Multiculturalim. That is the answer to your question.

Since your answer would be a contradiction I took the liberty to look for some information on the internet. If there is a correlation (and I say IF) between multiculturalism and crime rate it shows the COMPLETE opposite of your statement. Looking at some statistics immigration to the US has been increasing fairly constant since 1950. Yet at the same time the crime rate has dropped fairly constant since the 1960's in the US. Violent crime rates of 2010 were 1/3 the rates of 1994. Coincidently there was a huge spike of immgration to the US in the early 1990's.

Now, I do know no correlation should be made just based on these statistics. But if your statement was (even a little) correct it should at least show an increase in crime to have some correlation between both, And it does not. Although it sure it will have some influence no one knows why there is a decline in crime rate (in the US and the rest of the world) on one hand, and why there is a higher crime rate in the US than most developed Western countries on the other hand. Closest I could find giving some explanation was this article: "Violent crime: the US and abroad"

Anyway, your statement is false.

Other sources:
Bureau of Justice Statistics: http://www.bjs.gov/glance_redirect.cfm
United States Crime Rates 1960-2014: http://www.disastercenter.com/crime/uscrime.htm
Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics: http://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/C...c16f3cfba-BF6CCBB7-9429-D628-4F39844DF2D394A5
Immigration to the US by year 1820-2006: https://pronkpops.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/immigration_by_year.jpg
Immigration to the US by decade: https://pronkpops.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/immigration-graph.jpg


Closed Account
Since your answer would be a contradiction I took the liberty to look for some information on the internet. If there is a correlation (and I say IF) between multiculturalism and crime rate it shows the COMPLETE opposite of your statement. Looking at some statistics immigration to the US has been increasing fairly constant since 1950. Yet at the same time the crime rate has dropped fairly constant since the 1960's in the US. Violent crime rates of 2010 were 1/3 the rates of 1994. Coincidently there was a huge spike of immgration to the US in the early 1990's.

Now, I do know no correlation should be made just based on these statistics. But if your statement was (even a little) correct it should at least show an increase in crime to have some correlation between both, And it does not. Although it sure it will have some influence no one knows why there is a decline in crime rate (in the US and the rest of the world) on one hand, and why there is a higher crime rate in the US than most developed Western countries on the other hand. Closest I could find giving some explanation was this article: "Violent crime: the US and abroad"

Anyway, your statement is false.

Other sources:
Bureau of Justice Statistics: http://www.bjs.gov/glance_redirect.cfm
United States Crime Rates 1960-2014: http://www.disastercenter.com/crime/uscrime.htm
Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics: http://www.ucrdatatool.gov/Search/C...c16f3cfba-BF6CCBB7-9429-D628-4F39844DF2D394A5
Immigration to the US by year 1820-2006: https://pronkpops.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/immigration_by_year.jpg
Immigration to the US by decade: https://pronkpops.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/immigration-graph.jpg

The violent crime rate has decreased because gun ownership has increased.

As for your links, this DOJ has become increasingly political and they can't even form a prosecution against a woman who broke the law hundreds of times, played loose with classified info when it is clear she violated the Espionage Act.

Illegal aliens are not being factored into the numbers, they don't even know how many illegals are actually here. The 11 million number has been floating around for 15 years or more.

Anything statistical from this administration should be taken with as many grains of salt as you can stomach.
Since your answer would be a contradiction I took the liberty to look for some information on the internet. If there is a correlation (and I say IF) between multiculturalism and crime rate it shows the COMPLETE opposite of your statement. Looking at some statistics immigration to the US has been increasing fairly constant since 1950. Yet at the same time the crime rate has dropped fairly constant since the 1960's in the US. Violent crime rates of 2010 were 1/3 the rates of 1994. Coincidently there was a huge spike of immgration to the US in the early 1990's.

Now, I do know no correlation should be made just based on these statistics. But if your statement was (even a little) correct it should at least show an increase in crime to have some correlation between both, And it does not. Although it sure it will have some influence no one knows why there is a decline in crime rate (in the US and the rest of the world) on one hand, and why there is a higher crime rate in the US than most developed Western countries on the other hand. Closest I could find giving some explanation was this article: "Violent crime: the US and abroad"

Anyway, your statement is false. ]

What he (v) said:

The violent crime rate has decreased because gun ownership has increased.

As for your links, this DOJ has become increasingly political and they can't even form a prosecution against a woman who broke the law hundreds of times, played loose with classified info when it is clear she violated the Espionage Act.

Illegal aliens are not being factored into the numbers, they don't even know how many illegals are actually here. The 11 million number has been floating around for 15 years or more.

Anything statistical from this administration should be taken with as many grains of salt as you can stomach.


Closed Account
The violent crime rate has decreased because gun ownership has increased.

Who knows. However, a survey from the University of Chicago tells another story:

The household ownership of firearms has declined in recent decades. Table 1 (left side) shows that the 31.0% of households reported having a firearm in 2014, essentially tying with 2010 for the lowest level of gun ownership in the last 40-some years. [...]

Similarly, Table 1 (right side) indicates that in 2010 and 2014 about 32% of adults lived households having firearms. This was a decline almost 19 percentage points from an average of 51.2% in 1976-1982. [...]

Table 2 shows that in 2014 22.4% of adults personally owned a firearm. This is up slightly from a record low of 20.6% in 2010. There has been little change from 2006 to 2014. Personal ownership in 2014 is down 8.1 percentage points from a high of 30.5% in 1985.[...]

Source: Trends in Gun Ownership in the United States, 1972-2014

As for your links, this DOJ has become increasingly political and they can't even form a prosecution against a woman who broke the law hundreds of times, played loose with classified info when it is clear she violated the Espionage Act.

True, she should be prosecuted.

Illegal aliens are not being factored into the numbers, they don't even know how many illegals are actually here. The 11 million number has been floating around for 15 years or more. Anything statistical from this administration should be taken with as many grains of salt as you can stomach.

True. I browsed the net for some more information on illegal immigrants and if they are factored into the numbers and found an interesting article that not only shows that the US governement apparently has no clue what it's doing when it comes to gathering information, but also that there indeed seems to be a correlation / causation between crime rates and illegal immigrants. Since it seems to be a thorough investigation I can only say that I was wrong.

Source: Center for Immigration Studies - Immigration and Crime: Assessing a Conflicted Issue (grab some coffee an snacks if you want to read it, it's a long article).

What he (v) said:

I stand corrected :hatsoff:


Hiliary 2020
Is this thread about the Munich McDonalds shooting?
There have been so many of these that I literally can't keep track.

If I recall I said right here after the Orlando thing that these things will be happening on a daily basis.
Well they are now.
Are you freaked out enough yet? Are you ready to support a full scale attack on Iran leading to a War with Russia and China yet?
Or ready to support whatever of the many agendas they are pushing? Gun control? Cops shooting Blacks? Blacks Shooting Cops? Whites against Blacks?

I'm going to say this as gently as possible this time to avoid any aggression or confrontation here.
Are you stupid sheeple still buying into all this? Can't you see it's fake? Cant you see we are being manipulated?
Wake the fuck up already.


Hiliary 2020
I'm sorry. That was perhaps a bit extreme.
Let me try it like this-
I'm going to post a few things here and if you take the time to look at them with an open mind perhaps you will begin to see the truth.
Yes the truth. For there is only one truth friends.

First lets go way back in the terror city timeline to Nice France on July 14th 2016.
A truck driven by a Muslim from Tunesia shouting Allah Akbar drove his truck into a crowd of people, killing 84 people and injuring 308 for a grand total of you do the math.
Yet of all the people carrying cel phones most with Hi def cameras plus the CCTV's all over the area we get this.

And this

Is this a child? Is that her doll? Where are her parents? Why would they put her in that gold crisis cast bag and just leave her on the street?
I guess at this point most people would call me a heartless bastard.

Ok going forward through time lets go past a few dozen more terror attacks and cop killings all the up to July 22nd 2016 in Munich Germany where a crazy Muslim from Iran killed 9 people and injured 35. Shouting Allah Akbar of course.
Again no video except for this one that some random person decided to start randomly filming in a random area before any indication that there was something about to happen.

I won't get into little details like why the random person was filming there or even why the people he was shooting at began running toward him from the left side of the screen before the first shot was fired or why they continued to run directly into the line of fire instead of running the other way. I won't go there.

Here is where it gets weird however.
It seems the crappy video filmed from a hotel balconey in Nice and the random video filmed in Munich were both taken by the same person.
I waited a few days before saying this because I couldn't believe it. What are the odds of the same person being in both Nice on the 16th and then Munich on the 22nd and just happened to be filming nothing right before two major mass killings occured and both of these being the only video filmed of the actual attacks and shown throughout the world on the news?
It must be a lie or a mistake.
But it's not. Both of these videos were filmed by Richard Gutjahr, a German "journalist , moderator and blogger".
Richard trained at CNN.
Yes Richard just happened to be in Nice filming nothing and in Germany a week later filming nothing when the 2 incidents occurred, giving the world a video of both to see.
By the way Richard is married to big time israeli politician, Mossad agent , Zionist, Atheist, and all around nice girl Einat Wilf who also has a wiki page.

Wow a Mossad agent. Wow. And an up and coming israeli politician.
Almost reminds me of how Omar Mateens father ran for president of Afghanistan and has so many photos of himself strolling around the hallways White House.

Ok So Richard who is Married to Einat filmed both attacks.

Then it gets a bit weirder.
Seems Richard has a 21 year old daughter who lives in the USA and is a student at Duke University in North Carolina.
Thamina just happened to be at that same mall in Munich during the shooting and live streamed it on twitter. Not the actual shooting but the aftermath and that video was all over the news of the planet.
You can google her for more on that. She's been quite the little celebrity being courted by CNN, FOX and others after the shooting.

Finally it gets a even weirder again.
If you made it this far then one more short video won't hurt.
This is a photo from Thamina's now private instigram page.
You'll never guess who she's posing with for a nice smiley pic.

Wow. Everything I just wrote and posted is acknowleged fact. The people are who they are and did what they did. There is so much information out there , at least for now.
You decide if it's just coincidence or not.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
You are absolutely onto something there. Yet I wonder how long you will have to dig further to find the involvement of the lizards. They need us afraid and pitch us into the needed frenzy so we wipe each other out, and the new dinosaurs can rule this world again.

Get yourself a pair of these sunglasses.



Hiliary 2020
Oh wow a reply so fast. And a negative one to boot.
Anyone who thinks this guy and his daughter just happened to be filming 2 terror attacks in 2 different countries just randomly and they were the videos shown to the world as proof is just a coincidence has to be a little simple.
Then given their connections, the Israeli Mossad, The woman in the video, and you still think it's only coincidence then it goes beyond simple.
Accept reality.
I"m not going to waste a lot of time on this.
In short...
Gutjahr LIVES in Munich. He didn't just happen to be present at the outset of the Munich shootings. He's a reporter. He got a text message that there'd been a shooting at the shopping mall and proceeded to drive there. His daughter, who was born and raised in Munich and was there visiting, was not at the mall during the shooting, nor did she ever claim to be. She was a few minutes walk away at her grandmother's house.

Wtf her having met Hilary Clinton while attending school in the U.S. supposedly has to do with anything is completely beyond me. Do we want to make a guess at how many people, in the midst of a campaign season, have had their pictures taken, at various events, with the various candidates, including Clinton? The numbers are probably well into the 7 figure range.


Hiliary 2020
Ok looks like this horse ain't dead. Gotta beat it a little more.
Well we all know that Richard Gutjhar filmed both the crappy quality videos of the truck in Nice and the guy, I'm sorry Gunman, in Munich.
Richard who has worked at CNN and is maried to an israeli politician and Mossad agent.
Same guy in two different terror attacks a week apart and just happened to be filming nothing right before the attacks began.
And CNN used both of his crappy videos exclusively as proof these were actual attacks.
Very coincidental.
Then it just so happened that Richards daughter Thamina who lives in North Carolina USA just happened to be in Munich for the shooting and she live tweeted it to CNN. (I guess CNN has no journalists in Munich)
I was also wondering how a 20 year old girl manages to live tweet videos to CNN but I'll leave that for the conspiracy nutjobs with their tin foil hats.
Then a photo surfaced that Thamina posted on her FB page of her and of all people Hillary Clinton.
Smiling side by side like good friends.
I was told that a lot of people take selfies with HC but I don't think your allowed to get that close to her unless you really know her.

Well all that info was scrubbed from yootoob on the behest of Richard himself but most of its back because he did not prove copyright infringement as he claimed.

Anyway, you may not like the video or the narrator in this video but he just found something interesting at that HC screech the other day.

Yes that is Richards daughter Thamina in Nevada right on the side of the stage, even though she lives about 2600 miles away or about 6000 miles if she lives in Munich. ( Similar to how Gunman Omar Mateens father was center stage at one of her screeches a month ago).
She even says something right to HC's face and touches her shoulder and SS does not react.

I think it cannot be denied that she knows HC at this point.
So many coincidences in all these things that I can't keep track

A little bonus vid. I'm not 100% sure about this but I can't explain it.

Well I don't know what those cel phones are filming but it sure the heck isn't HC or anything on that stage she was on.
Was anybody even in that audience besides a film crew?
Sounds crazy but it was clear those phones were not filming what should have been in front of them.