I'm sorry. That was perhaps a bit extreme.
Let me try it like this-
I'm going to post a few things here and if you take the time to look at them with an open mind perhaps you will begin to see the truth.
Yes the truth. For there is only one truth friends.
First lets go way back in the terror city timeline to Nice France on July 14th 2016.
A truck driven by a Muslim from Tunesia shouting Allah Akbar drove his truck into a crowd of people, killing 84 people and injuring 308 for a grand total of you do the math.
Yet of all the people carrying cel phones most with Hi def cameras plus the CCTV's all over the area we get this.
And this
Is this a child? Is that her doll? Where are her parents? Why would they put her in that gold crisis cast bag and just leave her on the street?
I guess at this point most people would call me a heartless bastard.
Ok going forward through time lets go past a few dozen more terror attacks and cop killings all the up to July 22nd 2016 in Munich Germany where a crazy Muslim from Iran killed 9 people and injured 35. Shouting Allah Akbar of course.
Again no video except for this one that some random person decided to start randomly filming in a random area before any indication that there was something about to happen.
I won't get into little details like why the random person was filming there or even why the people he was shooting at began running toward him from the left side of the screen before the first shot was fired or why they continued to run directly into the line of fire instead of running the other way. I won't go there.
Here is where it gets weird however.
It seems the crappy video filmed from a hotel balconey in Nice and the random video filmed in Munich were both taken by the same person.
I waited a few days before saying this because I couldn't believe it. What are the odds of the same person being in both Nice on the 16th and then Munich on the 22nd and just happened to be filming nothing right before two major mass killings occured and both of these being the only video filmed of the actual attacks and shown throughout the world on the news?
It must be a lie or a mistake.
But it's not. Both of these videos were filmed by Richard Gutjahr, a German "journalist , moderator and blogger".
Richard trained at CNN.
Yes Richard just happened to be in Nice filming nothing and in Germany a week later filming nothing when the 2 incidents occurred, giving the world a video of both to see.
By the way Richard is married to big time israeli politician, Mossad agent , Zionist, Atheist, and all around nice girl Einat Wilf who also has a wiki page.
Wow a Mossad agent. Wow. And an up and coming israeli politician.
Almost reminds me of how Omar Mateens father ran for president of Afghanistan and has so many photos of himself strolling around the hallways White House.
Ok So Richard who is Married to Einat filmed both attacks.
Then it gets a bit weirder.
Seems Richard has a 21 year old daughter who lives in the USA and is a student at Duke University in North Carolina.
Thamina just happened to be at that same mall in Munich during the shooting and live streamed it on twitter. Not the actual shooting but the aftermath and that video was all over the news of the planet.
You can google her for more on that. She's been quite the little celebrity being courted by CNN, FOX and others after the shooting.
Finally it gets a even weirder again.
If you made it this far then one more short video won't hurt.
This is a photo from Thamina's now private instigram page.
You'll never guess who she's posing with for a nice smiley pic.
Wow. Everything I just wrote and posted is acknowleged fact. The people are who they are and did what they did. There is so much information out there , at least for now.
You decide if it's just coincidence or not.