ICE COLD, 22yrs old with a 13 inch dick

Yet another big truncheon juggler enters the biz!


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Must be like Kaa, that snake from The Jungle Book. It is hypnotizing.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I believe Otacon said it the best, So, Ah, This Explains A Lot. Not That There's Anything Wrong With Keeping It To Yourself -- I Mean, You Know, It's Your Life And Everything.
I find it strange that so many guys seem to hate on male adult actors.

Are you not enjoying watching porn? Or do you try to blend out there is a naked guy there (Okay, they tend to wear socks or tennis shoes for some reason ^^ )?

If you feel safe as a male person, you can look at other guys and do not feel intimidated, I would say

I actually like the male actors. not in a sexy way, i just find most scripted scenes amusing and the guys funny