IACGMOOH cant wait


For yhose who going to watch it i reckon jordan going to win it but im voting for kerry to win it
Johnny Rotten is in the UK IACGMOOH????


Sorry, I can´t watch UK TV. So, who else is in there?
What are you talking about? Sorry, folks, I'm from Germany and I don't get what "IACGMOOH" is... :dunno:



Final three will be Jordan, "Razor" Ruddock, and Jonny Rotten. I hope that posing git Peter Andre gets the boot first, i hate him, you just know he's dying to get into Jordans knickers. Has Alex Best spoken yet??????
bibo said:
The UK equivalent to "Ich bin ein Star, holt mich hier raus" :D

Ah, "I Am Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here". Okaaaay! Thanks for clearing me up, bibo!
I admit I didn't want to see the german version, but then I watched nearly every episode after the fourth one... Funny, somehow. :tongue:

havent seen her get them out yet. Just out of interest is Kerry really getting on anyone elses nerves. She really jars me.
Did anyone see Peter André and Jordan cuddling on Jordan's hammock? I slept 'round a girls house (a friend of mine) last summer and we fell asleep on her bed - the next thing I know she's cuddling me and I wake up in her arms. A think it was a few days before that we were hugging and she said she 'felt amazing'. I haven't spoken to her since I found out one of my best mates had been going 'round to hers of an evening too. Haven't spoken to him since either.

Dunno why I just wrote all that... sorry!