I Went To Jack In The Box Twice Today

This morning I got a Loaded Breakfast Sandwich and tonight I got a Jack's Blazin' Chicken Sandwich Meal w/Curly Fries and a Large Orange Fanta.

You ever eat at the same fast food place twice in a single day? Give as many intimate details as you are comfortable sharing with us.

That's impressive Dino, but I once ate all three meals in one day at Jack In The Box :nanner:

On occasion people harass me about never having amounted to much in life. Then I tell them about that day, and I can see the respect in their eyes :yesyes:
Are they using similar techniques to porn films making booties look bigger to take pictures of burgers or do they just make one triple sized burger solely for advertising purposes? Those pictures make burgers look like something one could eat easily with one bite like some little cookies or perhaps they come in a groups on a plate bit like meatballs...


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I am not sure, but I believe I once ordered pizza twice in a day from a local pizza delivery.
Because we don't have them here, When I have visited Vegas I have eaten at In-N-Out Burger two days in a row, twice a day FWIW.
Because we don't have them here, When I have visited Vegas I have eaten at In-N-Out Burger two days in a row, twice a day FWIW.

I like the burgers at In 'n' Out but I don't like the fries. Too potatoey like picking a potato up off the ground and taking a bite out of it. Boring. I wish they'd fix their darn fries. I go there for a Double-Double or 3 then stop by McDonald's on the way home for my fries. McDonald's might have the cheapest quality fries for all I know but their combination of grease and salt is just right. The Curly Fries from Jack In The Box are great too.

BC, what drive-thrus do you hit up most often in North Cackalacky?

I frequent Hardee's which you know better as Carl's Jr. in SoCal and Bojangle's fried chicken and Chic-Fil-A.

I frequent Hardee's which you know better as Carl's Jr. in SoCal and Bojangle's fried chicken and Chic-Fil-A.

I love, love the Carl's Jr. Six Dollar Burgers and Chorizo & Egg Burritos. Criss-Cut Fries are very good also.

I just had my first taste of Chic-Fil-A. They are expanding out here and I grabbed a spicy chicken sandwich at the Westwood Village location by UCLA. Good sandwich and those college kids fill up the place with business.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Philly Park has Sonic close by. Grab a breakfast before the races. Go back after racing for a bite then back to casino for cards. I would make it a 3 play but they close at 1 AM and I'm still playing. Michael's Diner across the street is a very acceptable substitute. Still serve anything at anytime and they have The Big Cookie. Oh how I'd like to have those Big Cookies delivered at my door by subscription.
Three times in a single day? You have my respect, sir.

Thank you kindly. But hey, you're just one visit shy of that same degree of nobility :thumbsup:

Carl's Jr

The only fast food place I ever got food poisoning from. No more Carl's for me.

Grab a breakfast before the races. Go back after racing for a bite then back to casino for cards. I would make it a 3 play but they close at 1 AM and I'm still playing.

You must be my east coast doppelganger because this pretty much describes my daily schedule too :D
For those who've never had food poisoning Dino's gifs above are not all that exaggerated :1orglaugh

I got food poisoning at Jack In The Box but the one on Venice/Overland.

One of the few in west L.A. I've never visited, and not sure why because at one time I lived about 3 miles west of there.
Their best location (imo) has always been the one on Wilshire and 24th in Santa Monica.

It was from a Bacon Ultimate Cheeseburger.

Did it put you off of those forever?
Once I get THAT sick from something I can never go back lol

I desperately miss the original Jack In The Box tacos that were made with ground beef. They were messy what with the runny orange hot sauce and grease - but damn they were heavenly :1orglaugh
I desperately miss the original Jack In The Box tacos that were made with ground beef. They were messy what with the runny orange hot sauce and grease - but damn they were heavenly :1orglaugh

The orange color of the grease comes from the chili powder used to season the beef. Definitlely some artery clogging goodness right there.
For those who've never had food poisoning Dino's gifs above are not all that exaggerated :1orglaugh

One of the few in west L.A. I've never visited, and not sure why because at one time I lived about 3 miles west of there.
Their best location (imo) has always been the one on Wilshire and 24th in Santa Monica.

I go to the one on Santa Monica/Veteran pretty much always now. That one is my favorite. Been going there since I was a kid. The service is friendly and efficient and the food is always hot off the grill tasting great.

Did it put you off of those forever?
Once I get THAT sick from something I can never go back lol

I desperately miss the original Jack In The Box tacos that were made with ground beef. They were messy what with the runny orange hot sauce and grease - but damn they were heavenly :1orglaugh

I still get the Bacon Ultimate Cheeseburger and like the new Buttery Jacks also.

The tacos now are made of soy. I asked them hoping it wasn't cat box scraps. I don't even remember when they put meat in their tacos.
I go to the one on Santa Monica/Veteran pretty much always now. That one is my favorite. Been going there since I was a kid. The service is friendly and efficient and the food is always hot off the grill tasting great.

There's a possibility I'll be moving to that locality so that's good to know, thanks.

The tacos now are made of soy. I asked them hoping it wasn't cat box scraps.

Yep. For years I refused to even sample a free soy taco lol Finally I caved and while I'll admit they aren't nearly as bad as I anticipated, they're still a sad and pathetic replacement for the ground beef ones.

I don't even remember when they put meat in their tacos

It's been a looong time....but the memory and the passion remain.... :heart:
what a lot of you people don't know about at In n Out is the secret menu. I grew up with it and never order anything straight off the menu. and yes their fries aren't great but they are fresh not frozen at least.

double double animal style for example. its a double double with extra sauce and grilled onions you can also get the fries animal style which is fries with the burger sauce and grilled onions on it.

protein style no bun - burger with cheese tomato and onion wrapped in lettuce with mustard instead of sauce.

3x3 3 patties and 3 slices of cheese so its really a triple triple

4x4 4 patties 4 cheese slices

mustard grilled burger they put the mustard on it before they grill it

grilled cheese its a double double without the meat

- - - Updated - - -

and the only think I'd ever eat at jack in the box is their monster tacos. those are great late night and hang over food.