I was arrested for DUI


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Bronze Member
More important than people killed by any other accidental means like falls, non vehicular accidents, poisoning/overdose, drowning, smoke or fire, surgery, etc.?

The small but significant difference is that getting drunk is an act of your own choice, whereas the others are what the dictionary usually define as accidents

You know, it might be a new way of life to you:

Nobody has to get stoned to drive home :thumbsup:

Except Cheech & Chong, of course :rofl:
The small but significant difference is that getting drunk is an act of your own choice, whereas the others are what the dictionary usually define as accidents

You know, it might be a new way of life to you:

Nobody has to get stoned to drive home :thumbsup:

Except Cheech & Chong, of course :rofl:

I know it's difficult to discern but all accidents are circumstances of judgment and choice. :2 cents:
I came home today, checked my mail box, and what's inside? A stack full of lawyer spam letters. When you get arrested, the court sells off your personal information to solicitors.

And about the whole "taking a cab" issue:

Where I live, taxis and public transportation is hard to come by. Sure I could of taken a cab home, but I live a good distance to where I got busted and in the burbs of a suburb. A cab ride home like that would of probably cost me nearly $100 or more. I'm not saying its a stupid idea, just saying that I did not have that much money on me.
Trust me. Today, you can not drink and drive at all.

Not true. I know and have known of people who drink then drive on the orders of hundreds (if not thousands) of times without incident or accident.

Draw from that what you will but it's a part of reality.
A cab ride home like that would of probably cost me nearly $100 or more. I'm not saying its a stupid idea, just saying that I did not have that much money on me.

There is another alternative to driving after having drank alcohol......sleep it off or wait it off in your car then drive home.:2 cents:


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I know it's difficult to discern but all accidents are circumstances of judgment and choice. :2 cents:

When you finally made it into your wheelchair, remember I say:

'I told you so'

Stop making up excuses for drunk driving.
Clinical testing is only relevant primarily where practical application can be simulated, ergo all clinical testing is not equal. Why are some performed then? Well if you need or want to have a basis or baseline for benchmarking then you must generate some clinical test or some statistic....irrespective of how fraught with fault they may be. That's why some say, "statistics lie and liars use statistics" because some statistics are anything but determinative. You seem to think all tests and statististics are determinative. They're not. Some can only be extrapolative. Insomuch as they are, they can only arrive at anecdotal and in some cases anecdotally misleading (results which tend to lead one away from fact) conclusions.

Extrapolitive tests and statistics are far less useful than determinative tests and statistics.

If you merely need or want to examine the effect of alcohol on motor function, tests can be performed which render clearly determinative results. However, if you want to determine what actually happens when a person drives with some degree of it in their system
(for example), using it's effects on motor function is only extrapolative.

Another example would be if I used incarceration statististics and ratio as a determinative factor in the likelihood of Blacks (for example) to commit crime versus Whites. Most reasonable people would think it be silly to conclude based on those statistics that a Black person is more inclined to commit crime, irrespective of circumstance than would a White person simply because of their skin color. To actually determine likelihood, that raw data would fairly require more analysis and information if available.

Another, more elementary example....just because clinical tests have determined the ingredients in Viagra produce erections when impotent men are aroused, they will now necessarily "get some". Getting an erection and "getting some" are two different things. It can't even be extrapolated that they will "get some" as the circumstance is condition based....like driving after having drank alcohol.

If 10 impotent men take Viagra then are told blindly to go have sex..some may, all may or none may. Even though the likelihood and odds of them being able to have sex has increased dramatically because of the effect of Viagra, the effect has minimal bearing on the secondary conditions needed to have sex. No different than if 10 men drank some degree of alcohol then were told to drive until it's effects wore off. Some may cause an accident, all may or none may because again, the effects of alcohol have minimal bearing on the secondary conditions necessary to produce an accident. Therefore the only thing certain is that alcohol and Viagra produce physiological and psychological effects.

Since extrapolative conclusions are almost solely condition based, they are almost unimportant if relevant at all.

The ignorance of the value and status of science and clinical testing in that comment is so grand, I can only ascribe it to being completely misinformed, or just plain stubborn. Again, don't let the facts get in the way of a good story.

To compare the effects of a biological factor (alcoholic impairment) to a sociological phenomenon (black crime), and again to another sociological trend (people being in the mood to have sex), has absolutely no bearing in discrediting clinical research. Those things just don't compare to each other.

Ultimately, you have to choose which type of data you want, strictly practical, or clinical. The problem is, you've disagreed with the clinical results as not practical, then dismissed the practical results as inaccurate. But in the end, both point to the same fact. At a certain point, it seems the reality has pointed to a different conclusion that the one you've reached.

The bottom line is, alcohol effects ones ability to operate a motor vehicle. Having alcohol and driving puts you at a substantially higher risk of causing and accident, and an even higher risk of causing a fatal accident. Those things are undisputeable, they are clinically, and practically proven, thousands of times over. You're welcome to disagree, but if you do, I'm afraid you're in the unfortunate position of giving an ignorant opinion, because the facts don't back it up, and you're essentially then just propagating hearsay.


I came home today, checked my mail box, and what's inside? A stack full of lawyer spam letters. When you get arrested, the court sells off your personal information to solicitors.

And about the whole "taking a cab" issue:

Where I live, taxis and public transportation is hard to come by. Sure I could of taken a cab home, but I live a good distance to where I got busted and in the burbs of a suburb. A cab ride home like that would of probably cost me nearly $100 or more. I'm not saying its a stupid idea, just saying that I did not have that much money on me.

Well go to the cashpoint and get more :thefinger
The ignorance of the value and status of science and clinical testing in that comment is so grand, I can only ascribe it to being completely misinformed, or just plain stubborn. Again, don't let the facts get in the way of a good story.

To compare the effects of a biological factor (alcoholic impairment) to a sociological phenomenon (black crime), and again to another sociological trend (people being in the mood to have sex), has absolutely no bearing in discrediting clinical research. Those things just don't compare to each other.

Ultimately, you have to choose which type of data you want, strictly practical, or clinical. The problem is, you've disagreed with the clinical results as not practical, then dismissed the practical results as inaccurate. But in the end, both point to the same fact. At a certain point, it seems the reality has pointed to a different conclusion that the one you've reached.

The bottom line is, alcohol effects ones ability to operate a motor vehicle. Having alcohol and driving puts you at a substantially higher risk of causing and accident, and an even higher risk of causing a fatal accident. Those things are undisputeable, they are clinically, and practically proven, thousands of times over. You're welcome to disagree, but if you do, I'm afraid you're in the unfortunate position of giving an ignorant opinion, because the facts don't back it up, and you're essentially then just propagating hearsay.

Apparently you ignored what I wrote or are too stubborn to acknowledge the value I attribute to tests and statistics that are determinative. I didn't use anything to discredit clinical research. I asserted all clinical tests and statistics are not equal in value. Only an ignorant or stubborn person would disagree with that.

100% of 100 people who consume alcohol will experience a physiological effect from doing so (determinable). But despite the evidence of such an effect, what will happen when they drive afterwards is not predictable (indeterminable). Now forget for a second whether or not you agree with those statements, do you even get the distinction they represent? Even in practice the number of those who have drank, driven then caused accidents is exceedingly low.

The reality again is there are circumstances which naturally lend themselves to lab experimentation including statistics which generate reliable, useful conclusions and some that don't or can't. That's what I sought to demonstrate with the other two examples..not make some comparison between them.

The fact is, some ignorant people do use incarceration and recidivism statistics as a means to determine propensity to commit crime. After all, for those seeking to determine such a thing what else is there to go by? Never mind the fact that using those statistics to determine that is a method loaded with fault. Rightly or wrongly isn't that the point of something like "racial profiling"?

I tend to think something like that (propensity to commit crime) is indeterminable as it is circumstance based....like drinking and driving then causing an accident.

If the aggregate of all accidental vehicular deaths or accidents in general showed a consistency with excessive speed, why wouldn't that be the most significant factor under the same assumptions? Especially since some 93% of vehicular accidents don't involve alcohol?

I tend to accept statistics and studies from reputable sources but in all cases they should be put in context and you can only glean from them what they tell you.

You said,
"The bottom line is, alcohol effects ones ability to operate a motor vehicle. Having alcohol and driving puts you at a substantially higher risk of causing and accident..."

<chuckle>That is utterly untrue. What we know is alcohol in varying amounts affects one's motor function to various degrees. While high enough amounts can render someone incapable of operating a vehicle in any manner, the effects of mere amounts (normally) have no critical affect on one's ability to start a vehicle, put it in gear, accelerate, steer it straight, left or right, brake, interpret the meanings of recognizable signs and signals or see hazards in plain view.

"..substantially higher risk.."??? How is the likelihood knowable absent data reflecting how many cases exist where people drive after having drank and didn't cause accidents? Wouldn't that be important to know in order to make such a claim?

In most cases studies of any type strive to link cause and effect in order to learn something. How can one conclude anything appreciable when cause-alcohol consumption and effect-traffic accidents are so inconsistent with one another as to almost bear no correlation? (No need to answer. Just a musing.)

Anyway, the horse is pulverized and my bat is broken. I appreciate the spirited but harmless debate and your input as always was interesting.
To everyone out there.. Call a cab.. It's not worth it..
A year ago next Tuesday, my 22 year old son decided to have a couple of beers and then drive home from the bar. He crossed the center line and hit another pickup truck head on. in the other truck was a family that some how survived with few injuries, my son wasn't so lucky. He was partially ejected from his truck that had flipped several times, completely shattering his arm, leg and had most of the scalp peeled from his head. no one knows how they were able to keep him alive during the trip to the emergency room. It took the doctors 6 hours to control the bleeding. It took the trauma center 5 weeks to get him into stable condition so they could just set the broken bones; he was in a coma the whole time. He has just 2 weeks ago finally came home from the hospital. He has lost the use of his arm, can hardly walk, has a memory of about 20 minutes, the mental capacity of a 10 year old and will probably never be able to work or support himself the rest of his life. This is his fault for choosing to drink and drive.
We thank God that the other family were not badly hurt.
Does anyone have any idea what it is like to see your adult child turned back into a little kid? It's like having that child die and having someone new show up to live with you. This has actually been worse than when I my other son died 3 years ago.

If for no other reason than to spare your family this kind of agony, don't even take the risk of driving after you have been drinking.

Sorry for the rant but sometimes a little reality is needed.
A year ago next Tuesday, my 22 year old son decided to have a couple of beers and then drive home from the bar. He crossed the center line and hit another pickup truck head on. in the other truck was a family that some how survived with few injuries, my son wasn't so lucky. He was partially ejected from his truck that had flipped several times, completely shattering his arm, leg and had most of the scalp peeled from his head. no one knows how they were able to keep him alive during the trip to the emergency room. It took the doctors 6 hours to control the bleeding. It took the trauma center 5 weeks to get him into stable condition so they could just set the broken bones; he was in a coma the whole time. He has just 2 weeks ago finally came home from the hospital. He has lost the use of his arm, can hardly walk, has a memory of about 20 minutes, the mental capacity of a 10 year old and will probably never be able to work or support himself the rest of his life. This is his fault for choosing to drink and drive.
We thank God that the other family were not badly hurt.
Does anyone have any idea what it is like to see your adult child turned back into a little kid? It's like having that child die and having someone new show up to live with you. This has actually been worse than when I my other son died 3 years ago.

If for no other reason than to spare your family this kind of agony, don't even take the risk of driving after you have been drinking.

Sorry for the rant but sometimes a little reality is needed.

That is a devastatingly unfortunate circumstance. You have my condolences.

But do you honestly attribute "a couple of beers" to being the sole or determinative culprit in causing an individual to cross into oncoming lanes of traffic?
I and others on this board could probably show you thousands of stories like it from all over the web and you would still say drinking and driving isn't that dangerous. If you drove a car while being completely drunk and had a near fatal crash wich left you paralized from the neck down you'd probably still say it isn't dangerous.
<chuckle>That is utterly untrue. What we know is alcohol in varying amounts affects one's motor function to various degrees. While high enough amounts can render someone incapable of operating a vehicle in any manner, the effects of mere amounts (normally) have no critical affect on one's ability to start a vehicle, put it in gear, accelerate, steer it straight, left or right, brake, interpret the meanings of recognizable signs and signals or see hazards in plain view.

"..substantially higher risk.."??? How is the likelihood knowable absent data reflecting how many cases exist where people drive after having drank and didn't cause accidents? Wouldn't that be important to know in order to make such a claim?

In most cases studies of any type strive to link cause and effect in order to learn something. How can one conclude anything appreciable when cause-alcohol consumption and effect-traffic accidents are so inconsistent with one another as to almost bear no correlation? (No need to answer. Just a musing.)

I simply don't know how to make this any clearer. Science has proven that drinking alcohol effects ones ability to operate a motor vehicle, period. I've cited two academic articles that affirm that conclusion. If you'd like more, I can make that happen. If you want to sit here and say that isn't reflective of real life, go right ahead, but that's an unfounded opinion, grounded in hearsay. I'll go ahead and stick to reality.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Boothbabe, you night as well give up on him.

As you and I stated, he will learn when he's gotten crippled after one of those accidents that are so very far less likely than the others.

You know, keep feeding him sense and get hilarious answers in return, there is nothing to gain in these efforts.
If you drove a car while being completely drunk and had a near fatal crash wich left you paralized from the neck down you'd probably still say it isn't dangerous.

I suppose at some point to generate a reasonable statement on a person's likely behavior, you should at least read or pay attention to what they've written about it.

I said in this thread in a direct response to you no less that I don't drink and drive.

How then am suppose to ever get myself in a situation like you describe??
I see someone doesn't understand what an example used to illustrate a point is.

And altho you have indeed said you don't drink and drive you've also stated many times you think drinking and driving isn't that dangerous even tho there are plenty of tests to show otherwise so it could happen.
The reality is there are more fatality of traffic due to


lack of sleep,

use of prescription drugs and

distraction including watching porn on DVD while driving,

arguing with your wife/gf/ex-gf or talking to your gf on your cell or your fat Mama

even your children.

The cost of DUI is so high. The best way is never have a drop of alcohol except at home !

Call a cab, have a friend to drive or just sleep in your car !

My limited experience is there are two fatal accidents involved midnight shift workers just getting off work at 7 a.m. and fell to sleep at the wheel.

But the deadliest accident is street racing and not knowing what to do when your car suddenly stop at the middle lane of the highway.

Get out of the highway and call a tow truck and the cop.
