It's a form of "humor" , I guess the smug left always feel they di indeed have the moral highground (not) and can't see the Zen-like truth in the selected but true traits portrayed in both posts.
Clarence Thomas, a Black man who earned the entirity of all his honors, was attacked and almost ruined by the Democrats.
Two Latino nominees, Alberto Gonzales and I forget the other nom, were attacked and A Gonzales is still being hunted by the Dem party.
A Black woman was trashed by the Dems who successfully blocked her nom to, I believe, an appellate level court...
Not a peep about the relentless attacks on minority candidates by the Dem party over the last few years, but act like a Supreme nom making sexist and racial preference comments, among other things, is not only NOT grounds for dismissal as a nom for the SCOTUS, but Schumer warned the Reps not to dare touch this. discussion like the 1000+page Porkulous bill passed without anyone reading the actual bill? No discussion on the suitability of a nom who sees law as unfair to anyone with an ethnic excuse?
There is a lot more specificity in those "funny" but true posts; the Dems are unopposed and it's gone to their head.
Attributing all the traits of every religious person to supposedly represent any and all Christians...Catholic are a bit different than Episcopalian, and Seventh Day Adventist isn't the same as a Protestant. A Christian Conservative is normally not a literal word of God type regarding the Bible, yet you lump each and every trait of every religious extreme as representing very disingenuous and inaccurate. Conservative is a good starting point to work from... but extreme misrepresentation such as this shows a dishonesty precluding any common-ground finding.
Acting like anyone against Obama's obvious extreme Left nom for SCOTUS is a racist and sexist, while pretending the Dems willingness to trash
any person regardless of race, religion, gender, or obvious suitability for a particular position is O.K.
That Dogma won't hunt, to paraphrase a bit...