I Want To Be A Liberal

I live to stir it up! But a lot of it rings true. I cannot get into a civil debate with someone with a liberal agenda and not be shouted down. For my brother its nearly impossible to make a statement about say, gun control or The War without him getting so wound up that he makes uttering a counterpoint impossible.

So what does that say about the gene pool you come from?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I think it means my parents let me decide my beliefs for myself as anyone should.
I want to be a liberal because they care so much. They have a lock on all the fashionable emotions, like tolerance, diversity, equality and patriotism.

I was enjoying it as sub par Colbert satire until this bit, which I'm guessing wouldn't even pass those comedic bullshit filters.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
That one struck me as a little off, as well. But if I was going to post it, I was going to post it uncensored. But yeah, liberals are tolerant.....as long as you agree with them. I wouldn't question their patriotism, though.

I'm not going to become a thread troll. This is my last post on this one for a while.



It's a form of "humor" , I guess the smug left always feel they di indeed have the moral highground (not) and can't see the Zen-like truth in the selected but true traits portrayed in both posts.
Clarence Thomas, a Black man who earned the entirity of all his honors, was attacked and almost ruined by the Democrats.
Two Latino nominees, Alberto Gonzales and I forget the other nom, were attacked and A Gonzales is still being hunted by the Dem party.
A Black woman was trashed by the Dems who successfully blocked her nom to, I believe, an appellate level court...
Not a peep about the relentless attacks on minority candidates by the Dem party over the last few years, but act like a Supreme nom making sexist and racial preference comments, among other things, is not only NOT grounds for dismissal as a nom for the SCOTUS, but Schumer warned the Reps not to dare touch this.
What...no discussion like the 1000+page Porkulous bill passed without anyone reading the actual bill? No discussion on the suitability of a nom who sees law as unfair to anyone with an ethnic excuse?
There is a lot more specificity in those "funny" but true posts; the Dems are unopposed and it's gone to their head.
Attributing all the traits of every religious person to supposedly represent any and all Christians...Catholic are a bit different than Episcopalian, and Seventh Day Adventist isn't the same as a Protestant. A Christian Conservative is normally not a literal word of God type regarding the Bible, yet you lump each and every trait of every religious extreme as representing Christians...how very disingenuous and inaccurate. Conservative is a good starting point to work from... but extreme misrepresentation such as this shows a dishonesty precluding any common-ground finding.
Acting like anyone against Obama's obvious extreme Left nom for SCOTUS is a racist and sexist, while pretending the Dems willingness to trash any person regardless of race, religion, gender, or obvious suitability for a particular position is O.K.
That Dogma won't hunt, to paraphrase a bit...
I live to stir it up! But a lot of it rings true. I cannot get into a civil debate with someone with a liberal agenda and not be shouted down. For my brother its nearly impossible to make a statement about say, gun control or The War without him getting so wound up that he makes uttering a counterpoint impossible.

The part about self loathing(because I am a white male) is something I don't understand either. The things that happened in America leading up to and after the Civil War were way before my family immigrated. My family on both sides arrived here around the turn of the century from Ireland, Italy and Bohemia.

For the most part they were relegated to the jobs that well-established earlier immigrants refused to do like coal mining. And for that they were treated as bad as or worse than black people. Two of my Great great Uncles enlisted and fought in WWI in an effort to gain citizenship more rapidly. Successive generations bettered their lot in life by educating their children, working hard and saving and letting the next generation know that they could achieve the American Dream.

Self reliance is a byword within my family and it amazes me that these people who unknowingly espouse conservative values would continue to vote Democrat but truthfully democrat and republican parties were both conservative with only a few differences in strategy and opinion until after WWII. The push for civil rights was until recently, a Republican battle. If you read any article about civil rights from that era you'd see that the most hate filled speech came from Dixiecrats.

I don't know when or how the public perception of the parties changed so drastically but it isn't healthy to view each as intolerant and short sighted. I was hoping that this change Obama is supposed to have inspired would include civility and openness.

I know how you feel, I have allot of dear Republican friends.

The South was succeeded to the Republicans years ago and you know what the south is about, good or bad. It is a Republican world now.

Yes it is shame what partisian politics have become in this country. Most people from other parts of the world cant tell the difference between them.

I thought the uniter and a compassionate conservative that was elected in 2000 would have brought some change as well.

Finally all politicians on the campaign trail seem middle of the road to gain the vote and then they have their own true agenda.

Who the hell is Nancy Morgan? Rush Limbaugh's alter ego? The drivel she wrote isn't worth the paper it's written on. But, she did get one thing right though:

I'd like to be a liberal because everyone knows that conservatives are racist, homophobic, stupid and, well, beneath contempt. Conservatives are motivated by gasp, profit, instead of being nice. Enough said.

She don't know how true it is.
Personally, I think both major parties and ideologies/political philosophies in the US are severely flawed, and I wouldn't want to be part of either. Then there is the inherent problem with "labeling" yourself one or the other. Most people like this, it makes them feel part of a bigger group, and it tell them what they are supposed to think on every issue. It's black and white. But the problem is that it makes people stop thinking, because the world, the people in it, and problems we face are not black and white.

I would tell the OP not to label himself as any ideological persuasion, but that's just my :2 cents:
that is a good idea, its in your favor to have someone to try to talk some sense into someone else. then to not have anyone at all. No matter what agegroup, or race, or situation it may breach.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Personally, I think both major parties and ideologies/political philosophies in the US are severely flawed, and I wouldn't want to be part of either. Then there is the inherent problem with "labeling" yourself one or the other. Most people like this, it makes them feel part of a bigger group, and it tell them what they are supposed to think on every issue. It's black and white. But the problem is that it makes people stop thinking, because the world, the people in it, and problems we face are not black and white.

I would tell the OP not to label himself as any ideological persuasion, but that's just my :2 cents:



Who the hell is Nancy Morgan? Rush Limbaugh's alter ego? The drivel she wrote isn't worth the paper it's written on. But, she did get one thing right though:

She don't know how true it is.
Neither do you...


Staff member
we see how "clever" is the obama administration, let them do the so called "good" change until they get trapped by their own game.
It's a form of "humor" , I guess the smug left always feel they di indeed have the moral highground (not) and can't see the Zen-like truth in the selected but true traits portrayed in both posts.

Clarence Thomas, a Black man who earned the entirity of all his honors, was attacked and almost ruined by the Democrats.

Two Latino nominees, Alberto Gonzales and I forget the other nom, were attacked and A Gonzales is still being hunted by the Dem party.

Hold on a second. You make it seem like Dems have no justification for their "attacks." You do remember that whole Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill thing--you know, where he put one of his pubes on her diet coke can?

Gonzo's conservatism didn't annoy Dems--it was his conduct and antics that earned criticism. Gonzo basically kept a set of Bush's balls in his pocket and he would rub them in Capt Queeg fashion whenever he had to do something corrupt like fire attorneys without cause or usurp Ashcroft's powers while he lay in the hospital...Gonzo was a pretty duplicitous clown...:dunno::thefinger