I think I will be turned down by attractive women because of my race, any help?

Is being an Indian guy really that big of a disadvantage?

  • Yes, most girls will disqualify you for being an Indian

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • It is but if you work on yourself it won't be

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • Very few girls will disqualify you based on race alone

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • Not that big of a disadvantage, its all in your head

    Votes: 12 48.0%

  • Total voters


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Tonto got lots of white chicks just by hanging out with the Lone Ranger so I wouldn't let being an Indian bother me at all.
Wait, am I fucking reading this correctly?

You are afraid that women won't want to date you because you're Indian...BUT YOU WON'T DATE INDIAN WOMEN?

If you can't see the hypocrisy in that, then you're an idiot. No wait, you're just an idiot anyway.


Closed Account
so let me get this straight

a White, Black, or Hispanic guy can date interracial all he wants but if I try to do so it is some crime?

and so what, most decent Indian girls in the US are dumb white washed bishes anyways who bash Indian men, screw em! (and not in a good way)


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Go for those that are not in the States?
so let me get this straight

a White, Black, or Hispanic guy can date interracial all he wants but if I try to do so it is some crime?

and so what, most decent Indian girls in the US are dumb white washed bishes anyways who bash Indian men, screw em! (and not in a good way)

You're not gonna get anything straight. This has been explained to you time and time again by countless posters on this forum, so for fuck's sake just give up on understanding already. I have yet to see anyone on this forum say that you're out of line, committing a crime or attempting to achieve the impossible by trying to date a woman from another race.

If you're cool, then you're cool. Nobody is going to care if you are an Indian or not, and if they do then they aren't worth your time or attention anyway. Like Blodshot Scott said, go to a damn college. The college will have lots of young women who aren't hung up over race like you are, and if you play your cards right you can waltz your little Indian ass into bed with at least a few of them.

And "Indian girls in the US are dumb." Really? You're going to generalize like that? I guess all white guys in Montana eat bull testicles, and all black guys in East Philly illegally posses a gun.
so let me get this straight

a White, Black, or Hispanic guy can date interracial all he wants but if I try to do so it is some crime?

and so what, most decent Indian girls in the US are dumb white washed bishes anyways who bash Indian men, screw em! (and not in a good way)

Jeez, you really are dumb, aren't you? Let me try to explain it to you.

You're Indian. You eschew Indian women...but expect to be able to date all other races, and think that they should be in your dating pool...EVEN THOUGH YOU WON'T PUT INDIAN WOMEN IN YOUR DATING POOL.

That's the very definition of hypocrisy.
so let me get this straight

a White, Black, or Hispanic guy can date interracial all he wants but if I try to do so it is some crime?

and so what, most decent Indian girls in the US are dumb white washed bishes anyways who bash Indian men, screw em! (and not in a good way)

It's not about whichever race dating interracial, you fuck! It's the fact that you won't date indian women, but you're starting countless threads questioning why women aren't into Indian men. Do you see the problem here?!?!?! Do you take your helmet off before you post?

Revamp...an Indian man - Wont date Indian women.

Women - Supposedly won't date Indian men, but revamp doesn't understand why.



Closed Account
It's just an endless circle: you don't want to date certain woman yourself, and the woman that you want to date you think they don't want you because you are indian. Conclusion: I am alone and woman don't like me. Or in other words: low self-confidence and self pitty. That's your problem, nothing else
It's just an endless circle: you don't want to date certain woman yourself, and the woman that you want to date you think they don't want you because you are indian. Conclusion: I am alone and woman don't like me. Or in other words: low self-confidence and self pitty. That's your problem, nothing else
We have the answer! No need for further contributions to this thread.


Closed Account
so how is what I do anything different from what a Black guy does?

and so what, I have a preference of not wanting to date Indian women, is interracial dating against the law?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Revamp, I ask you this with all due respect... but since you seem to have so (very) many issues dating women, have you ever considered just becoming gay? Hell, who knows? Maybe the boys will treat you better. :dunno:

Hey, just a thought...

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
so how is what I do anything different from what a Black guy does?

and so what, I have a preference of not wanting to date Indian women, is interracial dating against the law?

You can't be serious?? Most black men don't say "white women won't date me cause I'm black but I won't date black women cause their crazy." Just like most white men don't say, "I don't think spanish girls want to date me cause I'm white but I won't date white girls cause their all dumb."

You're a walking contradiction..
If you're shallow enough to not date a girl because of her race then you really shouldn't get upset if a woman won't date you because of yours..
Revamp, I ask you this with all due respect... but since you seem to have so (very) many issues dating women, have you ever considered just becoming gay? Hell, who knows? Maybe the boys will treat you better. :dunno:

Hey, just a thought...
Please don’t encourage him or soon he’ll be starting another thread - I think I will be turned down by attractive men because of my race, any help?
You can't be serious?? Most black men don't say "white women won't date me cause I'm black but I won't date black women cause their crazy." Just like most white men don't say, "I don't think spanish girls want to date me cause I'm white but I won't date white girls cause their all dumb."

You're a walking contradiction..
If you're shallow enough to not date a girl because of her race then you really shouldn't get upset if a woman won't date you because of yours..
Read the above again Revamp, keep reading it until you understand. But you won’t because people on here have been telling you the same/similar thing for ages. You do not want to listen. You really appear to have a huge issue with regards to women & race. From personal experience you extrapolate the incorrect believe that all women of a certain race act in a certain way. So basically you are racist & a misogynist.

Psychiatric help would probably be the best option, & I don’t mean this in a flippant jokey way either. Your posts have demonstrated your obsession with ethnicity, both your own & of those around you & your negative attitude towards women. Why are you so obsessed? Why do you attribute negative qualities to women of specific racial groups? If its something as simple as you got your heartbroken by a women of a certain ethnicity then please, just fucking grow up! Otherwise seek professional help, only when you can seriously address your issues can you move on.
OP: u seem to be lacking confidence; get out there and start dating -- otherwise become a hermit and stick to FOnes 24/7.