so let me get this straight
a White, Black, or Hispanic guy can date interracial all he wants but if I try to do so it is some crime?
and so what, most decent Indian girls in the US are dumb white washed bishes anyways who bash Indian men, screw em! (and not in a good way)
Tonto got lots of white chicks just by hanging out with the Lone Ranger so I wouldn't let being an Indian bother me at all.
so let me get this straight
a White, Black, or Hispanic guy can date interracial all he wants but if I try to do so it is some crime?
and so what, most decent Indian girls in the US are dumb white washed bishes anyways who bash Indian men, screw em! (and not in a good way)
so let me get this straight
a White, Black, or Hispanic guy can date interracial all he wants but if I try to do so it is some crime?
and so what, most decent Indian girls in the US are dumb white washed bishes anyways who bash Indian men, screw em! (and not in a good way)
We have the answer! No need for further contributions to this thread.It's just an endless circle: you don't want to date certain woman yourself, and the woman that you want to date you think they don't want you because you are indian. Conclusion: I am alone and woman don't like me. Or in other words: low self-confidence and self pitty. That's your problem, nothing else
so how is what I do anything different from what a Black guy does?
and so what, I have a preference of not wanting to date Indian women, is interracial dating against the law?
Please don’t encourage him or soon he’ll be starting another thread - I think I will be turned down by attractive men because of my race, any help?Revamp, I ask you this with all due respect... but since you seem to have so (very) many issues dating women, have you ever considered just becoming gay? Hell, who knows? Maybe the boys will treat you better. :dunno:
Hey, just a thought...
Read the above again Revamp, keep reading it until you understand. But you won’t because people on here have been telling you the same/similar thing for ages. You do not want to listen. You really appear to have a huge issue with regards to women & race. From personal experience you extrapolate the incorrect believe that all women of a certain race act in a certain way. So basically you are racist & a misogynist.You can't be serious?? Most black men don't say "white women won't date me cause I'm black but I won't date black women cause their crazy." Just like most white men don't say, "I don't think spanish girls want to date me cause I'm white but I won't date white girls cause their all dumb."
You're a walking contradiction..
If you're shallow enough to not date a girl because of her race then you really shouldn't get upset if a woman won't date you because of yours..