Don't forget that most criticisms here are said every generation. When the Beatles came out, the adults of that time didn't get it and thought it would lead to the destruction of the country. In the 80s the kids who loved the Beatles then didn't understand that kind of rock or hip-hop as that came in to the forefront. Same with the film industry as they were able to get away with more violence and nudity and special effects were really starting to be introduced.
It seems to me that you're not looking hard enough to find original music and films (have you seen Inception yet? It is currently leading the box office and it isn't your typical summer movie at all). Not sure what kind of music you like but there are a shit ton of bands not really well known by the media that are great (MGMT, The Dead Weather, Wilco, Beck, etc.)
I think with things like youtube it's actually making it easier for people who do have more original ideas to possibly get noticed by companies to do some things for them (music, movies, video games, and so forth)
Also, about the whole thing admiring the rich, most of us like to see the rich fall actually but in reality, it's only because we want to be wealthy and we always say "I'd never act like that, I'd give most of it away to charity" I'm throwing the Bullshit flag on that one. As much as I'd like to say I would do that, be logical with yourselves. I know I'd want some pretty nice things and most of the time, when people give to charity, it's usually for recognition. When you leave a tip in the tip jar, don't you feel better about it when an employee notices it and says "thanks"?
:2 cents:
Also, the reason why Americans may not realize or comprehend the idea of about 7 billion people (which is a pretty unfair criticism) on this planet is because a lot of us don't really have time for travel or just can't afford it. You think it's any different in any other country with their people?
It seems to me that you're not looking hard enough to find original music and films (have you seen Inception yet? It is currently leading the box office and it isn't your typical summer movie at all). Not sure what kind of music you like but there are a shit ton of bands not really well known by the media that are great (MGMT, The Dead Weather, Wilco, Beck, etc.)
I think with things like youtube it's actually making it easier for people who do have more original ideas to possibly get noticed by companies to do some things for them (music, movies, video games, and so forth)
Also, about the whole thing admiring the rich, most of us like to see the rich fall actually but in reality, it's only because we want to be wealthy and we always say "I'd never act like that, I'd give most of it away to charity" I'm throwing the Bullshit flag on that one. As much as I'd like to say I would do that, be logical with yourselves. I know I'd want some pretty nice things and most of the time, when people give to charity, it's usually for recognition. When you leave a tip in the tip jar, don't you feel better about it when an employee notices it and says "thanks"?
:2 cents:
Also, the reason why Americans may not realize or comprehend the idea of about 7 billion people (which is a pretty unfair criticism) on this planet is because a lot of us don't really have time for travel or just can't afford it. You think it's any different in any other country with their people?