I Should Have Named My Little Female Cat ISIS

Her and her brother are 15 months old. He is way bigger than her. When she was a baby she would take running charges at him and bounce off. He'd then pounce on and crush her afterward too. A few months ago she adopted a strategy of hiding underneath a see-thru blanket. When her brother carelessly walks by it looks like a tiny but crazed jihadi woman attacking. Funny thing is the only thing not covered is the kitty's pussy.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Does she have an innate, irrational hatred of Jews, homersexumamals or other females? If so, sign her ass up.

By the way, naming a cat is like naming a watermelon. Cats give zero fucks about names.
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Closed Account
Does she have an innate, irrational hatred of Jews, homersexumamals or other females? If so, sign her ass up.

By the way, naming a cat is like naming a watermelon. Cats give zero fucks about names.

True, my mom's cat ignores his name all the time, but she's yelled get off the counter you little shit so many times that he comes running whenever you say little shit.
Before being the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Isis was one of the most important figure of the ancient egyptian pantheon. She was the sister of Osiris and the Goddess of Fertility, Nature & Magic.
She is still adored by many Wiccans and other pagan cults.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Staff member
True, my mom's cat ignores his name all the time, but she's yelled get off the counter you little shit so many times that he comes running whenever you say little shit.

You'd both be impressed with one of mine. Comes when I call her. No bullshit!

Sits, does tricks. Cats a pro.
True, my mom's cat ignores his name all the time, but she's yelled get off the counter you little shit so many times that he comes running whenever you say little shit.
You'd both be impressed with one of mine. Comes when I call her. No bullshit!

Sits, does tricks. Cats a pro.
So does mine. Seems like BlkHawk mom's cat is retarded...


Closed Account
So does mine. Seems like BlkHawk mom's cat is retarded...

I would second that, he isn't the brightest cat in the world, though he does play fetch. Throw a foam ball, and he will chase it, play with it for a few minutes, then he picks it up brings it back and drops it at your feet.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Staff member
I would second that, he isn't the brightest cat in the world, though he does play fetch. Throw a foam ball, and he will chase it, play with it for a few minutes, then he picks it up brings it back and drops it at your feet.

That's not that unimpressive!


Closed Account
That's not that unimpressive!

Yeah, but than he will do something stupid. He will try to wash his tail, but forget he controls it. His tail will be sticking out straight behind him as he tries to grab it with his claws, if he catches it he holds it and washes it. Funny thing is if you catch him doing it, and hold his tail for him, he will just give you kind of a grateful look, and start washing his tail. He is damn entertaining.
ISIS is the name given in the media, it is the literal translation of "Daaish" which stand for Dawla Islamia Fi Iraq and Sham in Arabic in turn means Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and they consider the name an insult and they are not fans of Christians, look what they did in Mosul, Iraq.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Goddamn, there are a bunch of humorless dicks on this board.


Closed Account
When people get offended, give them a perplexed look and tell them this is how you came up with the name.
Afterwards become offended on how they think you would be that crass.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
When people get offended, give them a perplexed look and tell them this is how you came up with the name.
Afterwards become offended on how they think you would be that crass.

So... uh... Dino's cat is a recovering alcoholic and pill head? I bet it started with the catnip. Everybody always said it was a gateway drug.
I wonder if fans of Egyptian mythology are pissed about ISIS? It will be irritating that for the near future whenever somebody says it or searches for it that's going to come up more.
I'm glad everyone likes their kitties. Cats are good, smart animals. Miniature lions and tigers too. You're not allowed to have those so adopt a kitty instead.

My cats are 15 months old and I still haven't heard a hiss out of either. Bizarrely happy and secure animals. Adopting brother and sister together helped matters, I think.

I adopted them at 9 weeks and have fed them nothing but Lotus Pet Food. They look very healthy and strong with nice coats and bright eyes as adults. Lotus sells kitten and cat food and also canned food. http://www.lotuspetfoods.com/for-cats/
On the plus side cats are pretty independent and you can let the take care of themselves much more than you can a dog.

On the downside they aren't nearly as loyal as dogs are and will probably sell you out for a dead rat someday. :D
Relax. That is more funny as hell from my daughter taking a young stray that cost me $150 to make sure was well. It was hanging out between two buildings where I live. Most likely a litter someone got rid of of a non-ditch to someone not finding a home for her. She named her Nicki Minaj. Mom is pissed her rent went up $50 on the school year drop off on her rent :).

J/k but priceless!
