I'm against protesting but I don't know how to show it
1)I don't "sympathize" with these dopes because, obviously, they can afford to miss work to sit in a box and Tweet/Facebook w/ their I Phones, laptops and Droids that these big companies make and they can afford!!As do I but some people went to work every single day or go to multiple jobs now or went to college for years and are in debt and cannot afford their bills or cannot get a job. NOT because they do not try, NOT because they are bums, NOT because they are "hippies"(havent been hippies in 30+ years) but because the greed in this country has become so extreme that companies are not happy making 100 million they would rather ship jobs overseas and make 150 million. Banks can give out loans they know are going to fail then ask us to bail them out while making it impossible to get credit for a lot of people. Or having money mean more to our elected officials than our vote or whats best for the country.
Standing up for these things being wrong is not asking for hand outs alex and your response to them shows your maturity level. If you cannot sympathize with people who have been given a bad lot in life no matter what they do then you have truly lost what makes you human.
I hope one day you find yourself in the position where you are taken advantage of which makes you unable to provide for your family, and while you stand up for yourself and others you will have to ignore the pompous asshole sitting at his computer calling someone else a bum or wishing death on them when in reality what they are doing is hard.
2)If I find myself in that position, I would do what MOST responsible people do and get another fucking job....
1)I don't "sympathize" with these dopes because, obviously, they can afford to miss work to sit in a box and Tweet/Facebook w/ their I Phones, laptops and Droids that these big companies make and they can afford!!
2)If I find myself in that position, I would do what MOST responsible people do and get another fucking job....maybe at one of these big corps.
3)If what they are doing is "hard", no wonder most of em are unemployed!
Self Rightous Hippie Slacking Dopes.......and you are probably one of them!
God you are dumb... "They can afford to miss work" Most of them DONT HAVE JOBS. And if they do they aren't full time.
2: THERE ARE NO JOBS. Even Mcdonalds hired 62,000 people in april and turned down 938,000.
3: Yea it is hard to abandon all your material possessions which americans are so attached to. To fight the good fight and stand up for what is right when uneducated douche bags say they should be shot. Lets see you give up some of your material possessions for a few day let alone weeks or months.
There havent been hippies in over 30 year but keeping saying it, your intelligence level isnt being hurt enough with this whole thread.. No I am not one of them but I support and contribute my finances to their cause.
Shouldnt you be out somewhere fisting some guy? I mean fist pumping some guy. And after this thread you will still wonder why people trash people from new jersey.
1) How bad are these hippies if McDonalds won't hire them?
2) I refuse to give up my material posessions because I work my ass of to acquire them....don't have to sit and beg like these lowlives!
3) I am going out tonite and I will "make it rain" in the strip club tonite here in NJ in honor of these scumbags who give even the homeless, a bad name!
I hope theres a freak electrical storm tonite and they all fry.....
If Giuliani was still mayor, these dopes would all be in jail already!!!
1: People with college degrees get turned down for mediocre jobs all the time, get your head out of your ass.. Or keep it up there since it is kinda your thing now.
2: Really? What if you work hard and you get fired anyway because of the economy. Or wait do you work for a family member so they would have to get fired.
3: Good luck paying for girls attention. Judging by all your posts "making it rain" $1 bills for a total of $27 is about all you could do to attract attention from women. And thats attention from jersey girls... ukey:
I would wish some evil on you as well since you love doing it to other people but I couldn't wish a worse evil on you then you having to be as dumb as you already are.
You are full of shit, quarterbacking from the sidelines!
If you emphatize w/ them so much, how come you aren't out there under a piss soaked cardboard box living like an animal w/ them???
Cause you are full of shit, posting about it from your living room, making a good living, feet up drinking a Shirley Temple!
Fuck outta here.....
1)I don't "sympathize" with these dopes because, obviously, they can afford to miss work to sit in a box and Tweet/Facebook w/ their I Phones, laptops and Droids that these big companies make and they can afford!!
2)If I find myself in that position, I would do what MOST responsible people do and get another fucking job....maybe at one of these big corps.
3)If what they are doing is "hard", no wonder most of em are unemployed!
Self Rightous Hippie Slacking Dopes.......and you are probably one of them!
Haven't seen the London branch yet (by St Paul's Cathedral, near Goldman Sachs & the London Stock Exchanges offices), and I've no real desire to meet them either.
OK - if Capitalism has failed, what do we replace it with?
Communism? Russia & eastern Europe dumped that last century...
Anarchy? Saw that in London this August, didn't like it one bit...
2)If I find myself in that position, I would do what MOST responsible people do and get another fucking job....maybe at one of these big corps.
Anarchy? Saw that in London this August, didn't like it one bit...
They were riots. Anarchism is actually pretty good system.
Capitalism works fine as long as THE GOV stays out of it as much as possible.
In the States they have interfered too much in too many ways and messed it all up.
That's basically what has happened.
Anarchism is actually pretty good system.
People might take their messages against corporate greed more seriously if they didn't have a bunch of corporate gadgets. I have seen them with iPhones, Droids, new laptops, designer clothes, etc. How can you fight greed when you are a part of the problem?