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I may be the only guy one earth to be rejected by every girl

or better yet, try it with an automatic.
Butthead: "the only chick you could ever get would have to be the biggest slut in the world"
Beavis: "cool"


Closed Account
Literally every girl I've ever asked in my entire life has rejected me. The few that have gone out with me have been due to it being a blind date. After the date, they say I'm nice enough but that it won't go anywhere. Afterwards, I never hear from them again.

I'm 25 and I'm a nice guy. I used to be the doormat nice guy, but as of late, I've been nice and respectful, but confident. Still nothing. I don't really know what the point of this thread is, I guess I just want to know why things like this happen to certain people. I've never had any friends, and I'd love to have someone to hold onto to watch the sunset. Alas, it will never happen. Also, I now don't believe in the "be patient, you will find some" line, either.

Yeah, this is a pity post, but seeing as most of you here seem to have wives/girlfriends (and lots of sex obviously), can anyone give insight on what the hck happened to me throughout my life. This evening i took a girl to Niagara Falls (it was a blind date), engaged in stimulating conversation, and I even got us to blow bubbles around (she thought that was cute). She even said that I'd make a wonderful father 9she's a single mother). Still at the end of the night when I dropped her off, she politely said in her own words that she liked me and I was a great guy, but a relationship wouldn't develop. I asked for her number but she wouldn't give it to me. This is the last date I'll ever go on because I can no longer take rejection. You're right, I guess that does make me weak, seeing as rejection is a part of life.

End of rant/pity post.

I was in your exact shoes a few years ago but i am younger (was 20 when I gelt that ) I couldn't take it anymore.... so I (as hard as it was) just gave up and didnt care anymore... then my best friend/love of my life showed up out of the blue and we have been together for 2 years now and who knows where it will go.... my point is, and im sure someone told you this before (I know its easier said than done) but just give up.... dont be closed to the idea but just stop looking..... and then your girl will show up when you least expect it.... so still put yourself out there but basically just dont give a fuck anymore and you will find something incredible ironically
Why be in such a hurry? I'm a firm believer that there isn't that "one" special girl out there that you have to run around like blue-assed fly to find, I've found that theres usually a whole flock of the kind of girl you're compatible with and it's usually just a case of enjoying yourself, leading a happy life, and taking your chances when they cross your path (girls that is).
Forget about what you see T.V. and pick up a book. A serious book written by a man that will give you the insight you need. I know it may seem hopeless but with a little effort and some new knowledge you will getting all the sex you want.:yinyang:


Closed Account
Why be in such a hurry? I'm a firm believer that there isn't that "one" special girl out there that you have to run around like blue-assed fly to find, I've found that theres usually a whole flock of the kind of girl you're compatible with and it's usually just a case of enjoying yourself, leading a happy life, and taking your chances when they cross your path (girls that is).

See, I respectfully disagree and think there is really only one person perfect for another but believe that fate, or God or however you want to justify it will send her into your life sooner or later and there is not really any way to speed that up... might wast time with the wrong girl etc. but ultimately its beyond your control (assuming you still keep yourself open to the idea of a relationship) when she comes
Ok, I don't know where to begin so this may be an odd post, but maybe it will shed some light on some things for you.

1) When I was < 17 years old I had never kissed a girl and the guys at school always picked on me and I never did anything about it.

2) At around 17 years old I met a friend over the computer that liked to party a lot. He got me out drinking and doing drugs and all the stuff your not supposed to do. I had some fun, got some drunken sex once or twice with random girls after a party, etc. Stil couldn't get a girlfriend or anything steady to lay.

3) 18 Years old I got arrested. Spent a few days in jail, came out, cleaned up, got a real job. Finished my school. Shaved my head, pierced my ears with hoops, got a tattoo that was partially visible. Dated a few girls. Had my first girlfriend.

4) Around 20 years old I ended up building more confidence by about 5 times what I had before. Started dressing a little better. Started wearing new shoes instead of old ones. Went to clubs on Friday/Saturday night with my new low-rider truck with amps and a lot of bass. Female friends I would see around the club would flash their tits at me and a couple of times I got a blowjob from them in my truck.

5) 21 years old. Got engaged to this hot chick. Worked out well for a year. She cheated on me numerous times and took off. She was partying hard and I was tryingt o build a business with my friend and was backing off the partying. I let my hair grow out, etc. I got depressed.

6) 22-24 years old. Hardcore into computers. Got a normal car. Took my ear ring out. Had a lot of female friends but none of them really putting out. I became the NICE GUY that the girls wouldn't fuck but they loved to hang out or talk on the phone with me.

7) 25-27 years old. Made some money aruond 25. Bought a nice bought and a house. Decided I was sick of having this ugly girlfriend that I settled for. Got a tan, put my earring back in. Started going to clubs and events on the water. Drank my ass off. Banged smoking hot chicks at the same time on my boat. 6 months later banged two smoking hot chicks at my house (different ones) and made that swap my stuff (LOL!)

8) 28-31 years old. Calmed down a lot. Worked harder. Bought another house. Started dressing preppy. I was still getting laid, but I couldn't get a girlfriend and the girls weren't nearly as hot. Confidence dropped. Tan went away. Grew hair out. No earring again. Drove a BMW 740i. Got a great IT job.

9) 32-PRESENT (33 years old). I still have the IT job. I have three cars. An NSX, a titan, a BMW. I have a boat. A nice house on the lake. Got a smoking hot fiance that fucked like a porn star and let me do whatever I want. She had come out of a LONG / BAD relationship of abuse and I had just enough fun / badboy in me to keep her excited, but I was prep and different and a nice guy and she liked it. FOR A YEAR. She left me because I liked to look at porn sometimes - LOL! Jesus. She was REALLY INSECURE btw.

Now, I decided I'm not going to get depressed. I'm combining my nice guy / prep boy into the bad-boy. My drinking is moderate. My smoking is moderate. I've learned from these ups and downs that I have to have more confidence. When I see a woman I tell her how hot she is. I tell the girls at work I want to hook up with them. I get invited to the parties that most people at work never know about. Topless girls are everywhere. I get there single and leave with 3 phone numbers. I pick which girl to hook up with. Now I'm seeing 3-4 chicks at once. I'm dressing more club like. I bought a fat watch. I'm getting 2 tattoos this weekend at my friends shop. The girls are smoking hot! It's 2:39PM right now and Im at my desk. There are two girls here that I could send an e-mail too that would leave the office and bang me in my truck (LOL!) and the other two live 20-30 minutes away but I KNOW that if I called one right now, she would meet me at my house and lay the goods down. 2 out of 4 of these chicks REALLY want to be my girlfriend or get married too..

What's my point?

Be funny, look the best you can, put highlights in your hair, buy a fat watch, be confident, don't be a dork, drink alcohol on occasion (hell get drunk as fuck sometimes) and don't be afraid to bea bit of an asshole or a jerk. The girls like jerks that are harder to reach. Oh yeah, don't make yourself to easy, they like a challenge too. I've learned a lot in the past 15 years :)

From 15-18 I couldn't barely kiss a girl. And I can honestly tell you that EVERY GIRL that has dated me or become my "friend" during my high times has fucked me. The ones that knew me in my low/dorky times wouldn't do it, but as soon as I popped out and partied and became confident they were wide open for the taking :)

To recap:

“Club-Like Clothes”
Big Subwoofer
Lots of Booze
BMW “Twenty to 8”
Wait, a little less booze
Comedic Ability
Highlights in you hair
“Fat” watch

For the condensed version click here.

Remember, sluts like to have fun. They're shallow so deep conversation won't help. They'll feel intellectually challenged and want to run away from anything that taxes their brain. That's not what they're here for. They like guys who are having a good time because that's what they want: A good time without having to be smart or anything like that. Don't ever rely on a woman for emotional support, that only gives her an opportunity to manipulate you, or just leave you dissappointed.

If you have things on your mind, worries, problems, etc. well then you better get rid of them before trying to get laid. Women smell pre-occupation a mile away. It indicates you have concerns in your life and they know that they are tragically underqualified to deal with anything on that level. Again, even a minor intellectual challenge will send them quickly into the arms of a guy in a striped shirt with a fake tan and spiked hair. They know that guy has nothing going on upstairs and they will feel comfortable knowing they will not have to spend one iota of emotional/intellectual brain power. They can drink his Grey Goose and suck his dick in vapid peace.

Find that good mix between quiet confidence and haver of a good time. Don't be a total tool bag, it's not you.
Remember, sluts like to have fun. They're shallow so deep conversation won't help. They'll feel intellectually challenged and want to run away from anything that taxes their brain. That's not what they're here for. They like guys who are having a good time because that's what they want: A good time without having to be smart or anything like that. Don't ever rely on a woman for emotional support, that only gives her an opportunity to manipulate you, or just leave you dissappointed.

If you have things on your mind, worries, problems, etc. well then you better get rid of them before trying to get laid. Women smell pre-occupation a mile away. It indicates you have concerns in your life and they know that they are tragically underqualified to deal with anything on that level. Again, even a minor intellectual challenge will send them quickly into the arms of a guy in a striped shirt with a fake tan and spiked hair. They know that guy has nothing going on upstairs and they will feel comfortable knowing they will not have to spend one iota of emotional/intellectual brain power. They can drink his Grey Goose and suck his dick in vapid peace.

Find that good mix between quiet confidence and haver of a good time. Don't be a total tool bag, it's not you.

As soon as a guy says: 'sluts like to...'; then you know they haven't got a clue. But what's even worse is they are positive that they know it all. Nothing more dangerous then arrogant ignorance. Because until they lose the arrogance, they will never lose the ignorance.
As soon as a guy says: 'sluts like to...'; then you know they haven't got a clue. But what's even worse is they are positive that they know it all. Nothing more dangerous then arrogant ignorance. Because until they lose the arrogance, they will never lose the ignorance.

Ponificating that you know how to spot a guy that thinks he "knows it all" would indicate that you think you know even more than he does.

I'll bet the ironic hypocrisy contained in your statement is COMPLETELY lost on you. :thefinger
Ponificating that you know how to spot a guy that thinks he "knows it all" would indicate that you think you know even more than he does.

I'll bet the ironic hypocrisy contained in your statement is COMPLETELY lost on you. :thefinger

Typical egomaniac. The second someone questions his/her ideas; they attack. Instead of considering the persons words, they get defensive and insultive. A sure sign of weakness.

As for me; I claim no expertise when it comes to women except that I know enough that they are all individuals and no two are ever alike. And I also have enough respect for them not to refer to them as 'sluts'. Especially of women whom I have never even met.

At this point I could probably say "Hi, have a nice day. Do you plan enjoying this glorious weather we are having today? Say hello to your mum and may God bless the soft steps you take" and you would construe it ass defensive and insulting.

I've been having little fun with the original poster and if you'd read the thread You Might notice the context of "sluts" is in reference to my opinion that he may want to go after girls of looser moral constitution and just have a little fun. My remark in no way indicates that I perceive all women as "sluts" and had you not just flown in here two days ago you'd see my years of posting have unequivocably shown the utmost respect for women, especially those of the more..risque kind.

Without the slightest hint of provocation toward you, so far you have labelled me:


So...to reiterate, while I've never written a single word toward you, you have come on here and hurled no less than 7 different aspersions upon my character. The labels you have given me, sir, belong to you.
If I misread your comments, I apologize.

The next time you don't want to be condemned for calling a woman a slut, then either explain within the post that you are not serious or, here's an idea: don't refer to them as sluts without even putting '.' or "," around the word.
To do otherwise is wrong and if you are SO 'respectful' of women then you should know that.

As for the 7 things I called your 'character'. That is your interpretation of my words. And as usual with onliners, a thin skinned over reaction to a negative comment. I called you arrogant and an egomaniac. I based them partly on the believe that you were insulting women and partly on other posts I have read of yours on my time on here.

I assume this matter is now settled. If it isn't, I suggest you take it to pm's so we can stop hyjacking this thread. The latter I take most of the responsibility for.
Thanks for the PM, Nomad.

Case closed, the air is clear. Enjoy a cold one this weekend :glugglug:
Well, here's
That'll cure you real quick of the whole "nice" thing. From now on, when you ask her for her number and don't get it, say to her "okay, let's not let this whole evening go to waste, how 'bout some cheap sex and we'll never talk again?" After all, she's already shut you down so you got nothing to lose. And I guarantee you, one of them will eventually say yes. Or at the very least you'll shock her by saying that and she'll tell all her girlfriends about it. And of them will be the slutty type who just craves that kind of blunt straight forwardness (and no-strings-attached sex) and she'll come looking for you.

You've got nothing to lose.

Gutta loc.....I need to try that way next weekend..thats 4 sho homie!!