I lost my ring

Antonella Kahllo

Official Checked Star Member
between the cushions in the couch or under the bed.

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Is it under the fridge? Shit always ends up under the fridge.

Or in the vacuum.

lol :1orglaugh


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol

That's obviously not a sock. But it does work to find lost jewelry.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Ask yourself:

Is it a tight fitting ring? Or does it fit rather loose?

If it fits real tight, the loss must have been in a situation where there is some sort of either or and lubrication or forced use of said hand was involvbed, possibly your car needed some mechanical attention? Or you were doing the dishes, and scrubbed something really hard and it slipped off?

Of course, it could be involving some other lubricant, and now be in some person's ass. Done any fisting lately? There you go!

You are welcome!

Ari Dee

Official Checked Star Member
Depends on what you usually take it off for.
Do you take it off when you shower, when you work on the car, when you garden, when you do dishes? etc.

It's probably down a drain or under a piece of furniture.

Someone in my family lost their class ring for like 20 years and thought their housekeeper stole it the whole time.. only for someone to find it in a jar candle that got put up in the attic.

Will E Worm

"Well, that's the story. So if your air conditioner goes on the fritz, or your washing machine blows up, or your video recorder conks out; before you call the repairman turn on all the lights, check all the closets and cupboards, look under all the beds, 'cause you never can tell; there just might be a gremlin in your house".


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Fantastic bit of trolling for a relative newb. You may make the Troll Hall of Fame but you gotta get to slapping around retarded Fins and conspiracy theorists for consideration.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Fantastic bit of trolling for a relative newb. You may make the Troll Hall of Fame but you gotta get to slapping around retarded Fins and conspiracy theorists for consideration.

I don't know. That took too long. I've seen better ;)


Special Operations FOX-HOUND