I like to pop my collar.

No, I am not a douchebag, but I like to pop my collar. I am seeking permission from others on whether I may continue to do so.

Seriously, I am at times laughing at how fashion police have determined that popping your collar turns you into a douchebag, and at other times, I am deeply disappointed that anyone would follow their idiotic rules. Who makes these arbitrary rules, and who are these morons who abide by them? Even worse, on what basis are these rules made? (if you're going to answer a single question in this thread, answer this one, and provide a rational answer)

I genuinely like 80s fashion, music, movies, etc. I like to pop my collar, but I don't, because it is considered unacceptable, others will criticise me for it, and it is some fashion taboo. I am not following a trend (I don't know of a single person who pops his collar). Why is it so hard to believe that a person could like everything 80s, including popping one's collar? For the record, I did not even know popping one's collar was 80s fashion until recently; I popped my collar long before this point, but it helps to know that my fashion sense is related to my 80s fascination.

I am not in the cool crowd. I am a geek who spends his Friday nights watching documentaries. I am not trying to change social ladders. I am not trying to do anything but pop my collar.

This is just a rant, because I care way too much about what others think of me, and for that reason (it's an unrelated self-esteem issue; not the point of this thread), I know I won't be able to pop my collar in public until I build up enough self-esteem to face criticism.

By the way, keep in mind that I am not the one following a trend: if you are part of the fashion police, YOU are. You are the only who dictates what the masses should or should not do. YOU are creating a trend followed by people who can't decide for themselves.

It's sad I can only utter these words in the privacy of the Internet.
No offense dude, but, personally, I think it looks kinda dumb. But if you like it and you think it does something for ya, by all means do it. Who cares what anyone else thinks. Screw 'em.
No offense dude, but, personally, I think it looks kinda dumb. But if you like it and you think it does something for ya, by all means do it. Who cares what anyone else thinks. Screw 'em.

You're right.

Who care what anyone else thinks.

Unless it's your wife.
I do not know who made the rules. There are some clever rules, there are some stupid rules. road laws, criminal code, accident prevention etc - these are the good rules.

As for the etiquette or "fashion" rules - I said fuck that rules. I hate that shit. When it comes to fashion have your own rules. I do not give a fuck about that. If you feel like popping your collar, pop your collar. If you feel like taking off your shoes, take off your shoes. Thats the way it gotta be. Your style is a personal thing, just like your fingerprint.

I think that rules "of fashion" are needed for those, who ain't got no style, and afraid to look tastelessly, and in general for those who afraid to make a choice based on their own desires. For some people it is just easier to follow some rules, rather then use their own head and their own taste, aesthetic values, etc. OK, if it is easier for some people, let them use that rules. But I want that people never ever try to fuck my brains, and never infringe on my right NOT to follow that cheap rules.

But if you have inner conviction and confidence, when your have your own conception of beauty, when you know for sure what do you want - just do it.
The only time I would think about doing it is if it's cold outside and I needed something to cover my neck. Other than that the look is not for me. I don't think others that do it are douchebags, and I don't care what they do, but I just think it looks really lame IMO, which is why I don't do it.
First off, I admire your honesty in your post. Secondly, you would not be alone in popping the collar. I lived in Denver for a few years, and worked in one of the more, how should I put this, well-to-do areas of town. I was amazed at the number of "preppy" guys who started popping the collars of their $200 polos. You know man, you get one shot to stomp your feet on this planet. If it makes you happy, do it. I think You Might be surprised at how little other people actually take notice, or really, even care. If anyone does give you hell for it, what does it matter? Let them spend their valuable time degrading you. It's no skin off of your nose, you know? I know, easier said than done. Societal standards and the fear of facing a laughing, pointing horde usually keep most of the cattle in the pen. But one thing I have learned is about 99% of the things we worry about never happen. I guess my overall point is just try it out one day, see what happens. Maybe more people suddenly start following suit!


Closed Account
Society rules everything, it starts there I think. Its your peers that decide whats acceptable and whats not based on who is doing it. Its you that must choose to do what you feel or follow the leader.

The 80's didn't have a monopoly on it, popped collars are as old as time. Look at the GREASERS of the 50' - 60's. Fashion goes around and comes around. Some say every seven years, I don't agree. It all starts again with one or two wearing an old trend. Others liking and mimicking it and then voila! Its back!!!

I think the use of the term 'douchebag' much worse then you popping your collar. :(

for the love of pete, either pop your collar or don't.
if you're walking down the street, too timid to pop your collar, people will know.
they will know you're too timid to pop your collar.

please don't let them win.

there will come the day.
the day you pop your collar.
for all to see.

and people will see you as someone not afraid to pop his collar.

and some may realize that it's okay to pop their own collars.
and some may not even notice.
and some may question what the collar is even for, if not to be popped.

i'm in the third group, but i'm wearing a tshirt.
A sort of war, between the pop collars and the non popped collars?

Could be what the TV writers are looking for after Caveman finally gets cancelled? :dunno:
A sort of war, between the pop collars and the non popped collars?

many wars are even more ill-founded... not so long ago I'd heard about a knife-fight where casus belli was the method of fried eggs cooking!
You know man, you get one shot to stomp your feet on this planet. If it makes you happy, do it.

That just convinced I have to do it. In High School, I'd always try to conform so as to avoid criticism. I am going for it. My collars are about to be popped.


It's okay as long as you don't have a garish necklace, or your showing off chest hair.

Your only allowed one of those neck offenses.
you are a douche bag for wearing a collard shirt in the first place. what are you tiger fucking woods? if you're not on the green, then you need to lose it, bro.