No, I am not a douchebag, but I like to pop my collar. I am seeking permission from others on whether I may continue to do so.
Seriously, I am at times laughing at how fashion police have determined that popping your collar turns you into a douchebag, and at other times, I am deeply disappointed that anyone would follow their idiotic rules. Who makes these arbitrary rules, and who are these morons who abide by them? Even worse, on what basis are these rules made? (if you're going to answer a single question in this thread, answer this one, and provide a rational answer)
I genuinely like 80s fashion, music, movies, etc. I like to pop my collar, but I don't, because it is considered unacceptable, others will criticise me for it, and it is some fashion taboo. I am not following a trend (I don't know of a single person who pops his collar). Why is it so hard to believe that a person could like everything 80s, including popping one's collar? For the record, I did not even know popping one's collar was 80s fashion until recently; I popped my collar long before this point, but it helps to know that my fashion sense is related to my 80s fascination.
I am not in the cool crowd. I am a geek who spends his Friday nights watching documentaries. I am not trying to change social ladders. I am not trying to do anything but pop my collar.
This is just a rant, because I care way too much about what others think of me, and for that reason (it's an unrelated self-esteem issue; not the point of this thread), I know I won't be able to pop my collar in public until I build up enough self-esteem to face criticism.
By the way, keep in mind that I am not the one following a trend: if you are part of the fashion police, YOU are. You are the only who dictates what the masses should or should not do. YOU are creating a trend followed by people who can't decide for themselves.
It's sad I can only utter these words in the privacy of the Internet.
Seriously, I am at times laughing at how fashion police have determined that popping your collar turns you into a douchebag, and at other times, I am deeply disappointed that anyone would follow their idiotic rules. Who makes these arbitrary rules, and who are these morons who abide by them? Even worse, on what basis are these rules made? (if you're going to answer a single question in this thread, answer this one, and provide a rational answer)
I genuinely like 80s fashion, music, movies, etc. I like to pop my collar, but I don't, because it is considered unacceptable, others will criticise me for it, and it is some fashion taboo. I am not following a trend (I don't know of a single person who pops his collar). Why is it so hard to believe that a person could like everything 80s, including popping one's collar? For the record, I did not even know popping one's collar was 80s fashion until recently; I popped my collar long before this point, but it helps to know that my fashion sense is related to my 80s fascination.
I am not in the cool crowd. I am a geek who spends his Friday nights watching documentaries. I am not trying to change social ladders. I am not trying to do anything but pop my collar.
This is just a rant, because I care way too much about what others think of me, and for that reason (it's an unrelated self-esteem issue; not the point of this thread), I know I won't be able to pop my collar in public until I build up enough self-esteem to face criticism.
By the way, keep in mind that I am not the one following a trend: if you are part of the fashion police, YOU are. You are the only who dictates what the masses should or should not do. YOU are creating a trend followed by people who can't decide for themselves.
It's sad I can only utter these words in the privacy of the Internet.