I know I parked here somewhere

I was walking in the park one day....uh dude where my... like car?


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Fucking thing's probably been clamped and towed.

£35 parking fee
£100 release fee
£125,000,000,000 towing fee


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
all those millions spent on training and he still has to have a leash to guide him home. He can fly a quarter million miles to the moon but not walk over to that rock and back? Fucking Arizona desert!!!!
Somewhere around there his girlfriend is screaming at his lack of competence and stupidity at not being able to remember where he left the car..... :D

We've all been there mate, don't take the helmet off just yet. :eek:
This would have really stumped Ashton.
Maybe we should send Ashton Kutcher up there to help out, and leave him there.

No really. I don't like him. Send him to the moon.
OK FO folk do not like Ashton....noted.