You were all drama queen about it for weeks. What you talking about???
I mean you acted like you were besmirched in a horrible way. Instead of just giving a high five that you actually had that amount of rep to lose; you instead chose to take it the negative route and cry like a little baby who lost his bag of skittles to a big bad wolf!
Damn dude, come on, I mean, seriously! Get on the ball here! Every day there is someone being besmirched and some baby getting his bag of skittles stolen by a big bad wolf! And all you can do is find the time to cry like a little baby who gotten his bag of skittles taken away by a big bad wolf about your pity rep? Get over it and move on! Buy a new bag of skittles and be happy! Sheesh!
Babies can't afford/don't know how to buy skittles.