I have a sig?

Do you ever forget to click on your signature?

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Just wondering.
this is a poll. you weren't supposed to reply until I was done typing the choices!


what the fuck you lookin at?
ok, picky, its not the first think I do before posting, but I click the little box outta habit!
It should really be changed and automaticly done. Just put it under options and you wont need to think about it. If there is a reason for not then i would like to know. I do it as a habbit also but i still may forget it and then you have to edit click advanced the whole deal. I dont understand!:dunno::2 cents:
I sometimes forget, I dont know why you have to click it every time! Why would you even have a signature if you dont want it to show up when you post?

It should be automatic. It would save the extra step of having to click the little box every time.
Every once in a while I forget.

I think it's because I'm on another message board also with v-bulletin and siggys are automatic unless you manually turn them off.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I don't got one. :D I wanted to be different.

That, and I have no idea what I would put on one. I'll get one eventually, I really want to be able to post in the "Rate the signature above you" game.


sometimes i forget, but then i edit my post and tic the box
I usually go around with the sigs turned off anyway. So I sometimes forget to click the box, and if I forget, I have no way of knowing since I've got the sigs turned off. :rolleyes:
When i was a true newbie in this forum, i kept forgeting to click the box. Now, i got pretty used to that.

When i learn photoshop properly, i will bust your balls in "signature of the week" contest. :D